Conspiracy Theory

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There has been a few moments in Max's life where he has found himself in complete loss of anything to say or do, this is probably the most extreme out of all of them. He's painfully aware of his naked torso, his semi in his shorts and the fact that a annoyingly hot man is lying only an arm-length away from him.

"So..." he manages to speak out into the silence. Charles pushes up onto his elbows and looks directly at him, a few strands of brown hair falling over his brow.

"So? Are you throwing me out?" The question takes Max completely by surprise and his eyes widen.

"No, I'm not".

"Oh, so you want me to stay?" Charles' voice still sounds defensive. Max opens his mouth but nothing comes out. He doesn't know what he wants. Or maybe, very deep down, he knows exactly what he'd like but it's just too outrageous to say out loud. Charles decides to take Max's dumb look as a yes. "Do you actually top?" he asks, oblivious to the bluntness of the question.

"Do I what?" The Dutchman's brain can't keep up, Charles just ran his fingers through that messy hair of his.

"In bed. Do you top?" Charles licks his lips as he finishes his sentence and Max realises just how hard it is to breathe in here, even if the window is open.

"I haven't been with a guy" he mutters quietly, not wanting to get caught in a lie, now or in the future. His own honesty making his cheeks flush in bright red.

"I figured" Charles responds, but his voice is soft this time, sweet. It doesn't indicate any judgement or teasing. Max doesn't know what to say to that, so he just gets up on his feet and makes his way over to the sofa, picking his shirt up from the floor on the way there. "Do you think George has really broken down on the highway?".

"Why wouldn't he?" Max focuses on turning his shirt the right way around instead of looking at his company.

"Maybe Lando was hoping something would happen between us if we were left alone?" Charles words makes Max stop what he's doing, shirt still in his hands and eyebrows tightly scrunched together. Would he do that? Is this all some kind of prank? Is Lando trying to help? As all these questions speed through Max's brain, Charles stand up and leans against the wall next to the windows.

"Nah..." Max finally says, there's not a chance. He looks at Charles, curious if he actually believes this crazy theory himself or not.

"You're probably right. If I remember correctly, you made it very clear that you don't dare to kiss me" Charles smirks a little, his eyes trailing over the pink marks on Max's arms that he left there. Max watches him, carefully. Charles is playing a game he doesn't quite understand. Does Charles actually find him attractive too? When the monegasque lets out a sigh, as someone who has given up, Max has decided.

He lets his shirt fall out of his grip and drop to the floor once more, before taking three long steps in Charles' direction. As he arrives, so close to Charles that he can hear that the other man is holding his breath, he puts one hand against the wall on the left side of his head and leans in. This time it's not some magnetic force, it's 100% him, pressing his lips softly but firmly against Charles' pink ones.
It. Is. Brilliant. Max immediately melts into the kiss, loving the taste of the monegasque on his tongue. He's not alone, Charles let's out a very satisfied hum and throws his arms around the Dutchman's neck, padding the soft skin there with his fingertips. Then he opens his mouth and lets Max's tongue in, deepening the kiss even more. Max can't think about anything else but Charles as both of his hands land on his hips, squeezing gently and rubbing the soft skin.

It has been so long. Max's body reacts strongly to the sudden intimacy and he can't help but to go further down his his hands, cupping the back of Charles' thighs before lifting him up and placing him on the windowsill. Charles doesn't complain, his legs immediately goes around Max's waist and pulls him in closer. As their crotches pushes together they let out a simultaneous moan, earning a heartfelt chuckle from both of them. Max takes this opportunity to lean back from the kiss and look at Charles who's still bathing in the golden light from the sun.

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