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"In the beginning,  there was only one, a single black infinitude. Then the darkness broke filling it with life as possibilities expanded across space and time. Civilizations rose and fell as every action caused an alternate reality where something else happened. Some are just like our own...but for one or two significant events, exactly the same."

[The scene opens where we see the Empire State Building, White House, Leaning tower of Pisa, Great Sphinx of Piza, and hundreds of monuments across the world in rubble but as it zooms out the entire world is in ruins with channels across the world showing
the headline "WORLD GOVERNMENTS DESTROYED - TRILLIONS DEAD". This screen cut to outer space where it shows inside a specific starship where everybody onboard is in shock, panic or in disarray in slow motion.  Crew members and other agents view the destruction of the world on the monitors in the ship, most of them were either shocked, in denial, grieving, or angry; including a group of heroes that led a group called the protectors.

Elsewhere the scene changes in an off world Interrogation room on a space station, which is heavily guarded by  soldiers of the protectors, where a man's laughter voice up the room with Courtney inside dealing with him.]

INJ. Courtney: (slams on the table) The nuke, why did you give it to them?

INJ. Richard Ratchet: Why, you want one? (Jeers)

[Suddenly the wall behind her burst opens as Kara runs in anger.]

INJ. Kara: Get away from him. (Toss the table aside and grabs the man  by the
neck )

INJ. Richard Ratchet: Your mother, you're father, the man who took you in after you lost your biological family and cousin. People you love tend to die, don't they?

[Furiously Kara raise his fist at him.]

INJ. Courtney: Sis, don't!

[This causes her to punch on the wall next to Richard Ratchet's head instead.]

INJ. Ratchet: Heh. That's why I like you, Kara. You can get very tick

[he  looks at Kara as Courtney toss him across the room.]

INJ. Ratchet: You think you can have a family. That locking me up will magically reform me. And they'll be safe. So fast, yet so dumb.

[the man  then takes the chair on the floor and sits down]

INJ. Ratchet: Now run along so I can break out of here. I've got lots of planning to do to top this.

[This reaches Kara's breaking point as she lifts the man  up by his neck from
his chair.]

INJ. Courtney: That's enough!

[But Kara pushes him asides as the man  realize what's coming.]

INJ. Richard Ratchet: I know it's soon but...think you'll ever love again? Maybe you won't kill your next family..

[Kara had enough and thrust her hand into his chest while the man  screams in pain as the screen darkens. It then shows the logo "INJUSTICE".]

Protectors: InjusticeWhere stories live. Discover now