spicy, pears, dogs

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Jenna-the hottest pepper dog in school, likes Henry.
Henry-the "weird pepper dog", not popular, not many close friends, likes Jenna but doesn't think anyone will every like him, loves pears(like litterally obsessed lmao)
Heather-Jenna's bsf

Jennas pov:
Jenna woke up and put her long, green stem, and fluffy dog ears into a messy bun. That night she had a dream about Henry. They were making out in front of the whole school at a party, and she wasn't ashamed at all. She wished that could be her in real life, but she would litterally lose all her popularity. She sighed at that thought.
Henry's pov:
Henry woke up and put his nerdy glasses on(I wear glasses so don't be offended you furries), he wished he could date that hot girl Jenna. He went downstairs and ate his pears mashed with dog kibble.

Later at school:
Jenna's pov:
Jenna went to her bestay Heather and forced her to get info about her crush Henry. She found out that he lukes pears a lot and has a crush on her to!!!!
"YAYYY!!" hse yelled.
Henry's pov:
My crush Jenna's friend came up to me and started asking questions about me, I told her Ilhow much I love pears and that I have a crush on Jennna.

The next day Jenna came to school with her messy bun, wearing a pear hoodie and pear leggings. She went up to Henry and said "sex now?".

We don't need to many details but Jenna came to school pregnant a month later.

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