The Special Moment

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Y/n's p.o.v.

I let out a relaxed sigh as I took my heels off, still in my prom dress. "I got our peach tea" I looked over as Jungkook walked into the hotel room. He was dressed up in his tux, we just got back from prom fifteen minutes ago. He wanted me to feel special so he rented a hotel room for us to share for the weekend.

I smiled and walked over to him. He kicked the door shut with his foot. "Thank you" I slowly took the warm cup from him. He nodded and gave me a small smile before he started to take off his tux.

I took a sip of the tea that he brought me. "You gonna take a shower or crash?" he asked as he walked to the bed. I shrugged "I might take one tonight.. you?" He shrugged "I'll take one if you do" he started to take his tie off. He sat on the edge of the bed.

I walked up to him and stood between his legs. He looked up at me and smiled as his tie slipped off. "Join me?" I asked as I reached down and started to unbutton his white shirt. He smiled and his hand came up to hold my wrist, stopping me.

"I'll take one after you" I gave him a small pout, "don't act like you haven't seen me naked" I arched my brow. He chuckled "I haven't" he slowly let go of my wrist and inner locked our fingers. "Yes you have" I gently squeezed his hand. "You had a bra and panties on.. you weren't completely naked, plus it was an accident, next time you should make use of the lock on your door."

I chuckled at his words "then let's start making use of it" I smiled as I bit my lip. His free hand came up and he pinched the bridge of his nose, "get your horny ass in the shower." His words caused me to laugh "ok.. see you there?" I let go of his hand and started to back away from him "no" he looked up at me with a found smile on his face.

I smiled at him "fine, I'll see you after", he gave me a nod and I turned around, heading into the bathroom. I shut the door behind me and started the water, making sure it was warm enough. Once it was, I looked down at my dress and realized that I couldn't unzip it from the back.

I let out a sigh, "Kook" I said loud enough for him to hear through the door. "Yes?" he asked. "Help me" I waited for a reply. "Is this a trick to get me in the shower with you?" he voice seemed closer. "No" I chuckled. "I'm not coming in if you're naked" I could tell that there was probably a smile on his face.

"I'm dressed, come in, the door is unlocked" he slowly twisted the door knob, "of course it is" he said under his breath as he opened the door. He looked up at me "what do you need?" he slowly walked up to me, I noticed the first few buttons of his shirt was undone.

"Can you unzip it?" I turned around. "Ok" his voice was just above a whisper. I felt his soft fingertips graze my warm skin, taking the zipper between his fingers. I heard as the zipper unzipped down my back.

"Thank you" I slowly turned to him, he looked up at me, his bottom lip between his teeth. He gave a small nod as a reply. I smiled "you ok?" I started to take the straps off my shoulders. "Yeah.. take you time" he said before placing a small kiss on my forehead.

After we each got to shower, we brushed our teeth and climbed into bed next to each other. The only source of light in the room was the lamp that was on the table next to Jungkooks side.

I plugged in my phone and turned to face Jungkook. "Ready for me to turn the lamp off?" he asked. I shook my head and slowly moved closer to him. He smiled at me and wrapped his arm around my waist.

I leaned closer to him and placed a peck on his lips. I pulled away and sat up on my elbow. I looked at him, a slow smile made its way to my lips, "what?" he started to smile. I shook my head "you look hot with wet hair" I slowly leaned closer to him. "Yeah?" I nodded my head.

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