The Mysteriousness:Unveiling the Unheard Chronicles of the WhiteRoom Part 2

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I would like to express my regret for my previous comment in which I stated that I would not be including Atsuomi's backstory in my writing. As it turns out, I have decided to include it after all. I apologize for not being able to stick to my original statement. On the bright side, this change will result in a longer and, hopefully, improved response.

"Before we start watching Ayanokoji's past, we need to go back even further in time," the instructor explained. "We need to review the scenes that occurred before his birth. This will help us understand the context of his upbringing, family history, and cultural influences. It will also help us appreciate the unique challenges that he faced and how they may have impacted his development."

The instructor paused for a moment to gauge the class's reactions before continuing. "I know some of you may be wondering why we need to go back so far. However, it is crucial to remember that a person's upbringing can shape their character and influence their behavior. By understanding these early influences, we can better understand why Ayanokoji behaves the way he does and what motivates him." "Now,I won't waster your precious time,get ready,everyone!"

Dragon boy's thoughts:

Ryuen Kakeru sat at the back of the classroom, observing the proceedings with a mix of curiosity and contempt. "Kuku, this is going to be interesting," he thought to himself, eager to uncover the secrets of his past. Ayanokoji had always been a thorn in his side, a cold,calculating opponent who always was one step ahead of him. But now, with the opportunity to delve into his history, Ryuen felt a sense of power that he had never experienced before.

But Ryuen was determined to crush his opponent once and for all. He wanted to prove himself as the strongest, the most capable, and he knew that in order to do so, he had to uncover every weakness Ayanokoji possessed. "Kuku, everyone has weaknesses and you are not exception monster...." Ryuen mused to himself. 

Thick Girl's thoughts:

Ichinose sat silently in the classroom, watching as the instructor prepared to analyze Ayanokoji's past. Her mind was racing, trying to make sense of the situation. She had always been a hardworking and ambitious student, striving for excellence in all aspects of her life. 

I can't help but feel foolish for not seeing the signs earlier. Ayanokoji already had a girlfriend, so of course, he would reject me. I should have known better than to even try. But despite that, a part of me can't help but feel envious of his girlfriend. What does she have that I don't? What makes her so special that Ayanokoji would choose her over me? 'I'm so jealous....' 

Even though I know I should move on, I can't help it. I still love him. It's a feeling that won't go away, no matter how much I try to convince myself otherwise. But for I will left those feelings and thoughts. They'll only bring me down further. I need to stay focused on my own path and not compare myself to others. Ayanokoji's rejection may have stung, but it won't define me. I'll keep moving forward, stronger and more determined than ever before.

Book Worm's thoughts:

As I watched the reactions of the other students to Ayanokoji I couldn't help but feel conflicted. On one hand, I have a feeling that he was the one who beat up Ryuen, but on the other hand, I appreciate him as a book buddy and I don't want to believe that he could be capable of such violence.

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