chapter 16

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Jasmine's POV

it's been now three days since the dinner with my brother.

I didn't really do much during these days.

whenever Kade and Jordan left for work in the morning, I'd just watch TV or try to pass time by talking to frank and trying to convince him to let me eat something.

he's a very nice person to talk to, and my only company right now actually, but never once let his guard down and let me eat. 

the last time I ate was four or five days ago. there is not even one second that my stomach isn't hurt of screaming for food.

I'm looking at the bright side though, they at least let me drink water whenever I want so I guess that's a win for me.

for the last three days I tried to be on my best behavior. maybe they'll notice and finally let me eat.

I now I sound obsessed about food, it's the only thing that on my mind most of the day.

it's currently 6 p.m and i'm in the living room, sitting on the couch watching 'Scandal'.

Jordan and Kade should be here any minute, I really hope they'll be in a better mood when they'll get back then yesterday.

yesterday when they return here from work, Kade was pissed on the phone and went to the kitchen, and Jordan started yelling at me that I'm useless and good for nothing, that they should've killed me that night instead of bringing me here, then he commanded me to go upstairs to his room, and when I wasn't fast enough he punched me and dragged me by my hair all the way up his room and locked me there till this morning.

I can still feel the sting in my scalp, and I have a new fresh purple bruise on my cheek bone.

Lucky me.

I was deep in my thoughts about last night, then the door opened and Kade and Jordan got inside.

they don't look mad.

Jordan shot a quick glance at me, then vanished to the kitchen.

Kade walked closer to me, I got nervous and just looked down.

"come Jasmine" he motion me to follow him and I did.

he led me to the kitchen and I saw Jordan's there, pouring himself a glass of whisky and then dashed out of the room.

"sit" Kade said and again, I obeyed.

I sat on one of the stools near the island.

Kade leaned on the island with his hands, right in front of me and started saying, "we decided that your punishment is over for now, so you can eat from now on" he set a bowl in front of me with cereal inside. "but you can only eat whatever we give you." he continued, "you eat only what we give you, whenever we decide to give you. only us. understood?"

I nodded as fast as I could. they finally giving me something to eat. "yes sir"

"good" with that he gave me a spoon and said that I can start eating.

after I finished I wanted to ask for more, but I don't think he will say yes.

"can i um.." no this is useless, he won't agree. "n-never mind.."

"talk" he said.

"I- I just wanted to ask for another bowl" he just looked at me," but it's ok if not- "

"yeah" he cut me off, and refill the bowl.

"t-thank you" I said smiling to him softly, and he just nodded.

while eating, I felt a hand caressing my left cheek, when I looked up I saw it was Kade's hand. he's touching my bruised cheek from last night.

"does it hurt?" he asked, and I nodded.

he looked at my face for a while and then pulled back and let me finish eating.

by the time I finished, Jordan walked inside the kitchen and saw us there.

"Jasmine, go up to the bedroom and take a shower" he said and I was quicker then last night and got to his bedroom as fast as I could.

I took a shower and got dressed, then I sat on the bed, not knowing what to do now.

suddenly, the door opened and Jordan got inside. he didn't spare a single glance at me and just said "get in bed".

he walked to the bathroom and took a shower, and I was just waiting under the mattress.

when he came out of the shower, and sat on the bed he still wasn't looking at me.

"listen" he started "tomorrow me and Kade will be out of town, and Frank won't be here to watch you, so you'll be at our friend's house."

why can't Frank be with me? and who is this 'friend'?

"I expect no funny business " he then finally looked at me, sending me a warning glare.

"okay... yes s-sir"

"good, we'll be back by night time so you won't have too much free time from us" he added and I just nodded.

after a while of none of us not talking, and an awkward silence I decided to ask him.

"w-who is this 'friend'?" I asked.

he then looked at me dead in the eyes and replied. "why do you think it's any of your fucking business ?"

"i-it's n-not I just-"

"you just what?" he cut me off.

"n-nothing, I'm sorry" I whispered and looked at my hand on my lap.

"you. just. what?"

"I-i just wanted to start a conversation." I finally admitted, "that's all"

"start a conversation?" he rose a brow. "you think I'm your friend or some shit, that you need to start a conversation with?" he spat, now getting angry.

"n-no" I looked down again.

"so you just keep your mouth fucking shut" he said.

when I didn't answer he grabbed my face harshly, making me look at him.

"you got that?" 

"y-yes..sir" I said, not reaching his eyes, embarrassed that I even tried to have a nice talk with him.

with that he let go of my face with a shove.

"now go to sleep"

gladly asshole.

with that I turned my back to him and closed my eyes.

"turn around" I suddenly heard him say.

why does he want me to face him?

when I wasn't fast enough to obey he said, "don't make me say that again"

I guess I have no other choice.

I turned around, now facing this monster, and closed my eyes.

I take that as a win since I didn't get punched today.

I slowly drifted to sleep while he was on his phone.

let's hope tomorrow will be a better day...

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