chapter 20

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Kade's POV

I was talking to Robert, one of the business man that me and Jordan invited tonight for setting this new and huge deal that will make us another 20 million, when suddenly we all heard a scream from the other side of the room.

I looked and saw one of the girls soaked with water or something, and Jasmine standing above her with an empty glass.

"I'm so so sorry" Jasmine said. she looked horrified and her voice was shaking.

"you bitch! you did this on purpose!" the soaked girl yelled at Jasmine, and the other girls giggled.

"n-no, I tripped, I swear it was by mistake-"

"I just asked her for water, I thought it was her job as the maid and she just threw this cup on my face" the girl cut Jasmine off. to be honest, I don't actually believe that Jasmine would do that.

this girl, which apparently was Robert's girl, kept whining and then said she wanted to go home, that she feels humiliated or some shit.

with that all three men got up from the couch and said that we'll have to discuss our deal another time.

in the corner of my eye I saw Jasmine running up the stairs.

even tho I was relaxed and I knew that the deal is ours for sure, Jordan was furious, you could see smoke coming out of his ears.

"relax man-" I was about to say but he cut me off.

"relax? this bitch fucking ruined this meeting. she's fucking dead." the last part he said under his breath, almost like he's saying this to himself.

with that I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. I looked at it and when I saw the name on the screen I smirked and got out to the balcony to answer.

"Robert. how can I help you?" I said when I picked up.

"tomorrow me and my team will meet you again at your office, and we'll sign the contract. it's a deal." he said.

I knew they were convinced and I knew they will sign the contract.

the deal I fucking ours.

I finished the call and went back inside to tell Jordan the news.

I looked for him in the living room and then the kitchen but he wasn't there.

then I heard screaming.

it was Jasmine's voice.

I ran upstairs to his room and saw Jordan hovering over Jasmine, holding her tightly by her jaw and slapping her. hard.

"the fuck are you doing get off he" ,I spat, rushed inside and pulled Jordan away from her.

he stood up and left without saying anything after a second or two.

when he finally was out of the room I looked down at Jasmine. she was crying and shaking, her face was red from crying but the sides of her face were in a darker shade of red because of Jordan's hits, her lip is split and her nose was bleeding.

I gently helped her off the floor and get on the bed.

we sat there for a minute and then she got up and walked to the bathroom.

she didn't closed the door or did anything, she just looked in the mirror and cried even harder.

I got up and walked to the closet to find the first aid kit.

when I found what I wanted, I returned to my spot on the bed I saw Jasmine still there, not crying anymore but still observing her face.

she noticed me looking at her and I told her to come sit next to me.

when she did, I opened the kit and cleaned her bruises and all the blood.

she hissed with pain and I wanted nothing more then stop hurting her, but I have to clean the bruises before they'll get infected.

when I finished I told her she should get some sleep, and I was about to get up and leave but she stopped me.

"wait! do I have to sleep here? with..him?" she said, I could see the fear in her eyes.

well obviously i'm gonna talk to this fucker and will bring you to my room after tonight.

I didn't say it though, I'll let her think I'm still her cruel kidnapper.

that's what I am.

"yes, why?"

"please don't let me sleep with him. h-he was beating me up minutes ago" she said, and I could see tears welling up in her eyes again.

"go to sleep Jasmine, everything will be fine" I said with my best poker face and walked out of the room before she could say anything else.

I walked downstairs and found Jordan sitting in the living room, cigarette in one hand and a glass of whiskey in the other one.

"what the fuck is wrong with you?" I said calmly, while sitting next to him and lighting my one cigarette.

he didn't answer and I continued.

"Robert called me about a minute after they were all out of here"

he let out a humorless laugh. "and?"

"and he wanted to let me know him and his team will be in our office tomorrow by noon.." I paused for a second, then continued, "to sign the contract."

he then looked at me confused.

"he said we have a deal" I finished.

"you gotta be fucking kidding me" he laughed again and said under his breath.

"you were beating up the poor girl for nothing" 

"never mind, we taught her another lesson why not to fuck with us" he answered.

"you really don't give a shit that she's black and blue now and crying and terrified to even breath next to you?" I asked.

"nope" he said and poured another glass of whiskey.

I sighed and got upstairs again.

I opened Jasmine's door and saw her asleep now.

I approached her and lifted her gently. I held her bridal style and walked towards my room.

when I got inside I placed her on the bed and covered her with the duvet.

she looks in so much peace now, even tho she looked horrible with now the purple bruises on her face.

she's still beautiful though.

god, I miss her.

but this thing can't happen between us.

she hates me.

and I gave her a good reason to.

maybe in another life...


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