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"Would that have betrayed you?"

– For Blue Skies, Strays Don't Sleep.


[ 2 years ago. ]

Evelyn would come and visit him sometimes. Sometimes even stay for a few minutes. But then, there were times she'd stay for hours. She would sit down on the grass and talk to him. She would talk to him about her life. Everything about it, from the funny little arguments that she would have with Uncle James, to her new classes, to bigger and more important things. Evelyn was funny that way. She always had been. He'd been her confidant, in addition to the many other things he'd been to her, she told him everything, simply because she knew she could.

Cole loved hearing about her life; he loved knowing she was okay. For a while there, he'd been worried that she wouldn't be. But then she'd come and sat down next to him and told him that she was back in the art class; he had breathed a heavy sigh of relief. She needed art, doing art was important to Evelyn. It helped her be who she needed to be and he'd always accepted that. She often blamed her art lessons for so many bad things that happened that she often failed to see the good. He was glad she was starting to see the good again.

There was one day that she came by and she sat down, not saying anything for the longest time. It was a cold, snowy day, but it didn't seem to affect her. She had a lot on her mind, obviously. Cole didn't mind, it was his very favorite thing, when she visited him. They could sit together in silence if that's what she wanted, because it meant he got to see her. He was also reassured that she was okay. He closed his eyes, leaning back, enjoying her presence.

Finally, she spoke.

"I met someone, Cole." And then her eyes began to become watery,

She said it very quietly, almost as if she didn't quite know how to say it. He opened his eyes and looked over at her, not saying anything. He only nodded. He knew it needed to happen. Evelyn needed to be happy, and she couldn't do it like this.

"His name's Denver Beck, he goes by either Beck or Den. He's this arrogant blonde, and he challenges me. Like you did. I've been hanging out with him for a while, but I think it might... it might turn into something more. But I don't know Cole. It's weird, thinking about possibly... possibly loving someone other than you."

Cole took a deep breath and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her into him so that she'd be resting on him.

"Ever, it's okay to fall in love again. It's what I want for you I want you to be happy."
"It's not fair; we were supposed to have more time." She muttered but her voice was full of self-assurance.

"I don't want you to be alone." He told her.

"I wish you were here, Cole. Things were so much simpler when I knew how much I loved you, and that's all I needed to know."

"He can make you happy, Evelyn. He can teach you how to love. Please, give this boy a chance, it's okay to give him a chance, Ever."

Cole took a deep breath before saying what he had to say next.

"You like him."
"I don't want to lose us." She whispered.

"You can't erase who we were or what we had. No one can." Cole told her, his voice filled with confidence.

"I loved you so much." Her voice hoarse with the words spoken next, "You were perfect with me, for me and you always will be."

"But now it's time to let go." He told her.

"I don't know if you would ever forgive me for loving another boy. Part of me thinks you'd want me to move on. That's the kind of person you were, Cole. I'll never know and that's what scares me about this thing with Den."

"Evelyn Knight, I love you. And I always will. Go. Live your life. That's what you've got it for." Cole murmured. Evelyn stood up, sniffing and rubbing at her nose.

"I'm going to and meet him now. I'll be back. Don't hate me... god, please don't hate me." She said quietly as she walked away. "I just want you to be happy and I think that we're over, and I think you know that too." He whispered after she left.

Cole leaned back against his headstone, sighing. He closed his eyes, her face coming to mind. Oh, if things could be different.

"I so wish that you could see and hear me, Evelyn. You wouldn't have to wonder."

He began to fade, as he usually did, when she left the graveyard.

He'd be back again, when she came, and he would listen, faithfully. She would always need his understanding ear there for her, even if she couldn't see it there.

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