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"But have you ever been so scared? I swear I prayed you'd be here, put my heart in a place I'll never understand. Cause you are the only one"

– Forget You, DYSN.


Evelyn ran as fast as her legs could throw her, she was running without direction, without a path to follow. All she could see was the blurry pavement in front of her, the pavement that was getting confused with her tears, not knowing what was real and what was a blur. Much like her relationship. Evelyn didn't know where to go; she'd just escaped her safe place, oh the irony. How her safe place was now where she felt the most pain of all, just her luck. She couldn't go to her best friends, Allison or Lydia's house, logically that was the first place Den would think of going. Tony, even if he was one of her friends, was more of a friend to Den. Then again, most of her friends were Denver's friends too. Except maybe one. The most loyal person she could think of. And with her decision made she began walking, she didn't get two steps before the pulse of her phone began. She doubted it was him, he had already been on the phone when she left, probably to her, it would definitely explain why he'd walked out the room when on that call, and it was something neither of them had ever done. They weren't really ones to keep secrets from each other, until now. How could he? Was she not good enough? Did she not offer enough? Silently crying in frustration, Evelyn walked faster to her destination. Ignoring the continuous blasts of her phone. It didn't take her very long to get there but maybe that's because she was overthinking every little thing that happened with Denver in their relationship, to see if there were any signs of what went wrong, to see if she'd just missed the signs. Before she even realised it, she was standing in front of a door and her hand had already knocked. The door opened within a second. Her savior took one look at her tear streaked face and embraced her, cradled her.

"Bloody hell, Eve." He whispered, stroking her back. "What the hell has he done to you?"


In Chase's eyes, Evelyn was an angel covered in ash for years, for so long that her angelic wings tainted to a blackened color. Whilst she felt she was worthless, the world wanted to give her more. But demons always tried to tear her down and destroy her wings. Her mind was like a wonderland, she walks through the darkest however her name means light. She was someone who'd blast your defenses down. Chase received a firsthand experience of how that felt. Evelyn is so charming. She's so hauntingly beautiful, sweet and awe-inspiring that it levels him. He knew that she'd someday do something completely reckless and ridiculous that it would cause him to have a heart attack and die. But he knew she could bet her cute little ass that he would come to haunt her and make her pay for sending him to an early grave. Evelyn was like a battering ram. Devastation that Chase could see coming from a dozen miles away, nothing subtle but everything complicated. And one that he can barely avoid if he stood too close. One that would relentlessly beat down the doors until they break down. One that would knock the breath out of him the first time it catches him off guard. One that would do him in for good if he didn't get the hell out of the way. But Chase was sure she'd be annoyed if she found out he compared her to a battering-ram. She was also like an asteroid crash; she hurtles through space, heading straight for earth completely unexpected and completely unavoidable. She changes the earth and the lives of everyone in it; people hold their breath and watch her spectacular descent with a mixture of awe and trepidation because they have never seen something like her before. And they're not sure whether or not they'll survive her impact.


Chase had taken Evelyn inside his apartment, still holding her to him as close as he possibly could. He was afraid. He was afraid if he let her go, that she'd break. And that would simply break his own heart. They were sat down on the couch in front of them was the TV, an episode of FRIENDS playing, right now Chandler was making some sarcastic comment. Evelyn had her head rested on Chase's chest; she was fast asleep with tears still streaked across her cheeks.

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