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Chapter 0
The Beginning

She would've cared less of what people thought of her when she almost jumped off her school building at that time. It's not like she really wanted to die, but the thrill of it really intrigued her.

It was only pure luck that one of her classmates noticed her strange shenanigans took action. That said classmate of hers knew her too well with her title as 'Suicide-loving Doctor', 'Suicidal Maniac', 'Dazai Osamu Kinnie' and et cetera in the school. However, as much as he found her titles amusing to his ears, he didn't appreciate the fact that she was actually climbing the stone railings of the building and seemingly ready to jump off at any moment.

So, he did what most sane people would do when they saw a person trying to kill themselves. He stopped her just in time.

Thankfully for her, he didn't report that incident to the teachers. She did not want to go through another counselling session. The sessions were too awkward for her liking and she often found herself saying "I don't know" for too many times when her counsellor asked what and why did she felt like killing herself would be a good decision to make. She couldn't really stand the tension of that situation.

But honestly, why would she wanted to jump off in the first place? I'm not suicidal, she swore to herself (despite showing clear signs of suicidal tendencies). However, she had always wondered what will happen after death. She's not like her grandfather who could see supernatural things with his own bare eyes, and even if he could see them, she couldn't even ask him. He would be 6 feet underneath the ground by now.

Though, she tend to see them at times, but she doubt they were what she really saw. After all, she had been suffering with hallucinations for as far as she could remember. And to think that what she saw was true or not, really messed her up.

That's why she wanted to kill herself. It was just to feed her pure curiosity of what's on the other side. She was basically desperate to know, hence why she almost jumped off the 3 stories building (she had calculated how she would land on her head and all) despite hating the pain that she would feel afterwards.

Ah... pain, her old friend. Her number 1 enemy.

She had tried finding lots of methods regarding painless death, but even if she did found them, she was too afraid to even attempted it.

Dying in sleep, for an example. Sure, it would be painless, but what if she had to face a nightmare before she truly died? While nightmares were nothing new to her, she'd rather have a peaceful death while she was awake rather than experiencing those.

She wished and wished that she would one day received a calming ending, but alas, she was killed by a man-made truck.

Ah, yes, the mighty "Truck-kun" everyone was talking about. All hail to him.

Who was she kidding... feeling her body got ripped in half by the incoming truck was painful as hell. She would've screamed in pain if it wasn't for the fact that she was caught off guard.

She cursed the truck for making her suffer as she died. The feeling of being cut in half was still fresh in her body, and it was burning her deep inside.

However, she got a feeling when she realized that it was the truck that hit her at the side of the road. There must be a chance that she might get reincarnated, she thought, despite knowing that it was all just a silly fantasy.

Oh, how wrong she was.

She woke up as a baby in someone's arms not long after, and it was for the first time she had ever felt the warmth of a loving mother. The woman kept on humming the same lullaby over and over again, hoping that her newborn baby would just go back to sleep.

She wonder why.

Her question was answered right after when she felt her mother's heartbeat becoming fainter. Her mother was dying. She didn't want her to know that she died because of her, and so she desperately wanted to put her baby into sleep.

A pity that her plan didn't work. She understood what the nurses screamed when they barged into the room as a Japanese herself.

May you rest in peace, mother.

Then there was this 5-year-old boy who came to pick her up after a week in the nursery. She figured it would be her brother, seemingly he had the same look as the woman who just passed away while cradling her in her arms.

Fujiwara Kazuha was his name. A pretty name, she admitted. He introduced himself that he was her biological brother by the same parents, and that her name was Fujisaki Aishi (she still tried to make sense on why the hell they would have different surnames when they both have the same parents, but she figured she could just ask Kazuha when they were older). Though, how would she know of his name anyway? Well, they did have a small talk, but he was the one who talked, she was only all ears.

Other people might've thought that it was crazy to see someone talking so casually with an infant, but she somehow had a feeling that the boy knew she was not exactly a baby. She felt it was getting creepy whenever he stared deeply into her eyes when he paused from doing his works.

Eventually, she learned that her brother was somewhat a genius and a hardworking toddler. He did everything on his own, he taught himself everything he must know, he even came up with theories that she could confirm was the truth with her knowledge from her past life, and so much more.

And honestly? It was truly terrifying.

The fact that he kept on talking with her whenever he had the time made her feel like he just know who she was. Well, of course, not personally, but she just knew that he (might) know about her whole reincarnated situation.

And to make the situation worse, she found out that she was in the Naruto universe when he decided to take her outside for the first time to visit the Hokage Mountain.

"Ne, Shi-chan, I promise you that I will be the strongest! And one day, my face will be carved onto that mountain!"

Somehow, she got a really bad feeling when he made that statement. Press X for doubt.

Okay but seriously, why the hell was she in Naruto? Who the hell sent her here? (She would like to blame the truck and its driver, but it would seem illogical). There are enemies all around her, and she knew damn well that fact alone won't give her a single break for her slacker life.

Maybe she would just settle down as a civilian. Yes, that was a pretty good plan. If she was a civilian, no one would bat an eye. That was the safest option she had for now.

Unfortunately, being a civilian somehow made her feel at bay, and as much as she wanted to slack around and sleep all day, she preferred spending time doing something more productive.

See, that was her problem. She wanted to rest, and yet she won't stay still if she got nothing to do. Damn her workaholic traits.

You know what? Maybe being a shinobi won't be that bad. All I need to do was train and train to get stronger, then I'm all set. Yes, that sounds like a plan.

Well, the decision has been made.

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