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Chapter 1
The Fuji Clan

Aishi and Kazuha were sitting together on the back porch of their house. They silently watched the view of their backyard, not really finding the need to talk to each other to strengthen their sibling bond was that important. If anything, what they were currently doing was already an act of mutual understanding for each other, as neither of them were much of a talker.

It had been three years since she was reborn in a different world, and it was now the beginning of December. Snow would fall anytime soon and it had been the sole reason why the two siblings were sitting together at the porch in the first place. It was just a ceremonial thing to do in their clan, from what Kazuha told her the first time he took her out at the backyard during winter. She was just six and a half month old at the time.

What she had found weird was the fact that she could still feel the warmth of summer when it was clearly winter season, and how she would feel cold during summer. She still had not figure out why she was slightly... different, than Kazuha, since it was clear that the condition she has did not apply on her brother.

However, judging by the look Kazuha has on his face at the corner of her eye gave it all away. She was about to get her answer today.

She looked up to see the clouded sky became more cloudy. It was obvious that today would also be the time when winter started. She sighed through her nose as she closed her eyes to enjoy the warmth (as warm as winter could get) surrounding her. It was... oddly peaceful, she noted.


She hummed, not looking at her brother just yet.

"I take it that you've been wondering on why we have different surnames, despite having the same parents?"

She didn't reply for a while, but nodded when she felt Kazuha becoming quite restless.

"Around 300 years ago, there was a clan that lived in the snowy mountains. The people of the clan were known for their silky white hair, and their superior skills in fūinjutsu. They appeared to be having large chakra reserves, as they got it from their kekkei genkai. Can you figure out what their kekkei genkai is, Shi-chan?"

She brought her head down before looking at Kazuha, who was already looking at her with a calculating gaze. She could only nod, knowing full well what he had meant the moment he mentioned "silky white hair". Kazuha then nodded in satisfaction before continuing.

"They called it Shirayukihime. It was their main pride as the Fujioka Clan, which was why they lived far up on the mountains. It was to maintain the pure whiteness of their hair as snow would constantly fall upon them."

As if on cue, snowflakes began to fall one by one, before it became a rain of snow.

"Their hair converted snow into chakra as it stores it as long as the chakra was not in use. This would also gave impact to their hair length. The longer their hair would grow, the more chakra they would store. The more chakra they would store, the more longer their hair would grow. So, it would be quite strange to see someone from the Fujioka Clan to have short hair."

Aishi nodded in understanding, subconsciously holding out her hand to catch some falling snowflakes. Kazuha noticed this as he let an affectionate smile to form on his face. He scooted closer to his baby sister, before slowly caressing her hair with his hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2023 ⏰

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