Civil Service Exam: General Information Facet

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1. Philippine Constitution

The Constitution provides for a democratic form of government, which means that the people have the power to choose their leaders through regular, free, and fair elections. It also guarantees a separation of powers among the three branches of government: the Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary. This ensures that no single branch can monopolize power and that each branch can check and balance the others.

The Executive branch is headed by the President, who is responsible for enforcing laws and policies. The Legislative branch is composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives, which are responsible for making laws. The Judiciary, on the other hand, is composed of the Supreme Court and lower courts, which are responsible for interpreting laws and resolving legal disputes.

The Constitution also provides for the protection of the basic rights and freedoms of Filipino citizens, including freedom of speech, religion, and assembly, and the right to due process and equal protection under the law. It also prohibits torture, arbitrary detention, and other forms of human rights abuses.

Furthermore, the Constitution establishes the principle of local autonomy, which gives local governments the power to make decisions and enact policies that are best suited to the needs of their constituents. It also provides for the creation of autonomous regions, such as the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, which have more powers than regular local governments.

Overall, the Philippine Constitution is a crucial document that defines the basic principles and rules for how the government should be run and how power should be distributed among its branches. It ensures that the government operates in the best interest of its people and that their basic rights and freedoms are protected.

2. Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees

also known as RA 6713, is a law in the Philippines that establishes the ethical standards and guidelines that public officials and employees should follow in the performance of their duties.

The law sets out the general principles of public service, which include professionalism, integrity, transparency, and accountability. It also prohibits public officials and employees from engaging in corrupt practices, such as accepting bribes or gifts in exchange for favors or services.

RA 6713 also provides for the disclosure of assets, liabilities, and net worth (SALN) of public officials and employees, which aims to promote transparency and accountability in government service. It requires public officials and employees to submit their SALNs annually and to declare all their assets and liabilities, including those of their spouses and children.

The law also sets out the guidelines for conflict of interest situations, which may arise when public officials and employees have a personal or financial interest in a particular matter that they are handling. In such cases, they are required to disclose their interests and recuse themselves from any decision-making that may affect their interests.

Overall, the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees (RA 6713) aims to promote ethical and responsible behavior among public officials and employees and to ensure that they serve the best interest of the public. It helps to build trust and confidence in the government and promotes good governance in the Philippines.

3.  Peace and Human Rights Issues and Concepts

Peace and human rights issues and concepts refer to the various challenges and concerns related to ensuring that people are treated fairly and equally, and that their rights are respected. This includes issues such as discrimination, social justice, freedom of speech and expression, and access to basic needs such as food, water, and healthcare. These issues are often complex and can arise in different contexts, such as in the workplace, in politics, or in society as a whole.

4. Environmental management and protection 

Environmental management and protection refers to the efforts to manage and protect the natural environment in order to prevent harm to the planet and its inhabitants. This includes issues such as pollution, climate change, deforestation, and the conservation of biodiversity. It also involves finding ways to use natural resources sustainably, so that they are not depleted or destroyed for future generations. These efforts may involve government policies, corporate responsibility, and individual actions to reduce waste and promote conservation. 

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