Chapter 4

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The next day at work was really awkward!

But thankfully we were...something?Cause our characters are dating.We would constantly hang out off set and we had a few kiss scenes.

Then sadly we finished filming,that meant I couldn't be with Javon!But he made the last day count!

"Ok yall this it the last day of filming!" The director yelled out.I was sorta sad but also not because I knew me and Javon weren't dating but I knew we weren't friends,so...friends with benefits?

We started filming and I wanted to cry the more i was with Javon,I knew I would miss this!When came the last few scenes Javon saw me about to cry,my scenes were over btw.Anyways,he saw I was about to cry and he held me in his arms."it's ok y/n,we could always text each other?" I ended up breaking down in his arms.This was the funnest cast I've ever had and it felt so wrong to leave them!

They were filming the final and last scene and I lost it.I covered my mouth and cried to most I've ever cried. Javon looked sad to see me like this.He took me outside so I can breathe."Y/n,it's gonna be ok!we'll see each other in the interviews?and we could do lives together!" I wipe my tears and try my hardest to stop crying."but I don't wanna leave you!" I saw him stop and think for a second."what?" "What if we don't go home?" I look at him."are you crazy?you have to!" He looks me in the eyes "but all I want is you?" Then he kissed me.Ofc I kissed him back but right as we were kissing a cast mate came out and saw us."ohh..." and he went back inside.I pulled away and hugged him."let's go get our stuff alr?" He holds my hand as we go inside.

After I grab my bag we put our matching rings back on.

The next day I had to go back home.Javon came to the airport with me.

While waiting for my plane he listened for his gate,"hey y/n? I look up from my phone and look at him."yea?" "Nevermind it's nothing..." "ok..?"

I hear my gate being called and get up.As I walk on the plane he grabs my arm and kissed me before I got on the plane."bye y/n im gonna miss you!" I giggled."I'm gonna miss you too!" I got on the plane and found my seat.

Same procedures as getting on.

This time I couldn't fall asleep I just looked out the window and thought about him.All our memories and then I look down at my ring and start tearing up.

I look over to the guy next to me "uhm sir can I go to the bathroom please?he nodded and got up.I ran to the bathroom and I was in there for a while just crying.*wait...I'm crying over a boy?Do I like him?!?I mean,I probably do he was the best to me and all I want is him at the moment!* But what stopped me in the middle of my breakdown was the thought of my sister.

I went back to my seat and fell asleep.When I woke up I was exited to see my mom and sister and when I got off the plane I saw them!Me and my sister ran to each other and had a long hug!

"Awwww!" I mom took a picture of us and put it on Facebook.I took my phone off airplane mode and my sister looked at me and tells me something so shocking!

"oh so there was this leak with you and another actor,Javon Walton?There was also proof of yall is there something you wanna tell me?" I feel my face go red and I smile."YOU LIKE HIM!?" My sister basically screamed that in the airport!

Soon a paparazzi showed up and followed me and my family around.I get kinda mad about the question their asking me and the fact their scaring my sister."can yall please get away?!" And only 4 people left."BACK TO FUCK AWAY!" They were all recording."OMFG!YALL ARE SCARING MY SISTER IM NOT ANSWERING ANY OF YALLS QUESTION JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" They all left me alone and groaned."thank you y/n!" My sister looked up at me."ofc!" I say as we make it to the car.

My Angel// Javon Walton //FictionWhere stories live. Discover now