Chapter 11

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Update:Javon auditioned for a character and he got the role!I was so excited when he did cause that means I could still be with him!

~time skip~

When we arrive at the set I was so excited and was hoping we would feel the same rush we did when we first met!J would daydream about it 24/7!

"y/n.Y/N!Your up,scene six." Javon said shaking me out of my daydream."huh?oh ok." I got up and took a sip of water then I went on set for my scene.

~Time skip~

After we finished filming me and Javon walked around the town.

While walking on the sidewalk we saw a ring stand,"*gasp* JAVON!" He turned to me."what?what happened?!" I point at the ring stand and I see him smile."y/n..." he was gonna say something but I pull him towards the stand.

It was the same lady who gave us our blue rings?!"oh hey!are y'all together yet?" She remembered us?!And how did she know?!"yea and we wanna look for some more or new rings?" Javon said,showing her our hands (we was still holding my hand).

"Oooh I made one just for y'all!" She turns around and pulls two boxes."here open it!" When we opened the box I was kinda scared and surprised?She had two rings in the box,one said Javon,and the other said y/n..."how-how do you know our names?" I ask,outing my ring on."oh y'all are everywhere!look!" She points behind us.

When we look back,it was a billboard that im thinking my ex made.

It had me and Javon on it with Javons face exed out with red spray paint."oh my god!Ut was my fucking ex!" "Uh y/n..." k get on my phone so I can text my ex to take it down when javon grabbed my arm and pulled me."Y/N DONT LOOK BACK!" He screamed while pulling me forward.He stops running for a sec and picks me up,then starts running again.

We don't stop till we're at our hotel.

We laugh while trying to catch our breaths."Omg!im so sorry Javon!" I say while collapsing on the couch in the lobby."its ok" Javon sits next to me.

~Major time skip (I mean after y'all finish filming)~

After we finish filming me and Javon are packing up our stuff to get ready to go."Hey y/n?" He says and stops packing."yeah?" I reply,still folding my shirts, "Do you wanna go to the fair before we leave?it's tonight!" I smile.We've never been to a fair together! "really!?Of course!" I hug him and then go through my bag for something to wear.

"Oo you should wear that!" Javon said over my shoulder,pointing at the outfit I had laying on the bed.
"Yea,that's why I had it out?" I giggle and see him smile.

After I pick out my shoes I finish packing the rest of my clothes and wait until it was time to get ready for the fair.

"Y/n!the fairs in 2 hours!" Javon said."oh shit!" I jump up and get my clothes off the bench that I moved them to.And I change in the bathroom.

After I finished changing I walk out and see Javon in a fit that matched mine."awww!" I go up to him and kissed him.

After we pulled away from the kissed I checked the time on my phone."oh Javon are you ready?" He nods and holds my hand as we leave.

When we get to the fair I buy us some tickets and we enter.For a moment I forgot we were famous!Until... "OMG Y/N AND JAVON!IM A HUGE FAN CAN I GET A PICTURE?" God I hated being famous!But I'm not mean?"of course!" We and Javon get a picture with her and her siblings and say by.

"Who do you think they noticed more?me or you?" Javon says teasing me."probably you." I reply.

We see this one ride,you know that ride we're yoh stand on the walls,and it spins you like really fast,making the pressure push you on the walls as it spun and shit?yeah well we went on that.

"WAIT!i gotta tie my hair up first!" I had to tie up my hair,or else it would look like shit.(ik what y'all are thinking 🤨)

"Alr just cmon!" Javon pulled me into the line and once we were there I tied my hair into a ponytail.

"Are you scared y/n?" He said teasing me."no?are you?" I was definitely a little scared,last time I went on this I felt sick!"no?I've been on this millions of time!" Millions?He over exaggerated everything!"ok just please hold my hand!Ive only been on this like two times!" He smirked."I knew you were scared and of course!"

After we got off the ride I was off balance a bit."ok uhm,stay here ima get you some water ok?" He sat me at a table and left to get water."Javon seriously im-" I was gonna say something but he already left,"...fine." I pull my phone out my pocket and lay my head on the table as I waited for him.

After around a minute some brunette boy with blue eyes came up to me.

"Hey?Are you alone?" That question always scared me and I always had to lie and say I wasn't,but this time it wouldn't be lying?"no I'm with my boyfriend actually..." I hesitated and looked around for Javon frantically."He's not worth a girl like you" it kinda made me blush,but kind of mad.

"uhm..." I look at him for a second."ok then,why do you think he's 'not worth a girl like me' " I say mocking him.

"Uhhh you uh-" He shouldn't have to hesitate but I listened."your super pretty and i just want you-" Javon walked up to our table."who tf is this?" "Uh...idk he just came up to me?" I say as Javon sits next to me.

"Im her boyfriend?" The brunette says."what?" I didnt wanna fuck things up but this might."what are you talking about?im her boyfriend?" Javon said handing me a water.I saw him scared and I giggled."oh uhm..." He got up and ran.I laugh but Javon looks at me mad.

"We're going home.Come on!" He grabs my arm sorta tight,I stop laughing,"Javon your hurting me." I try to push his hands off my arm,but couldn't."JAVON!" It was starting to hurt bad!"JAVON LET GO!?" I was trying not to cry,didn't want my mascara to run."JAVON PLEASE STOP!" But he didn't let go until we got to the car.

My Angel// Javon Walton //FictionWhere stories live. Discover now