Chapter Two: "Under Pressure!"

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The team took their scheduled day off and then the following day, when they got back, Melanie was back as well. She was wandering around doing things, talking with people as Buck started a pissing match against Eddie. A pissing match was where an 'alpha' male showed off that he was better than another potential 'alpha' male. Eddie didn't understand or notice but he did notice Melanie.

"So... what brought her to work here?" Eddie asks.

"What do you mean?" Buck asks.

"Melanie. What brought her to work here? She's not a firefighter." Eddie explains.

"No, no she's not." Buck replies.

"Okay, she's our receptionist and greeter taking donations and stuff. What brought her here?" Eddie asks.

"Uh, according to Hen and Chimney, a few years ago, she was one of the people we saved. Her oven caught fire and she had slight burns that healed easily enough after our help. Turns out she was a really bad cook. They got called over three times before Bobby finally said he's going to teach her to cook. She's been here since. Last year Bobby gave her an actual job title." Buck explains.

"Huh." Eddie replies and starts punching a punching bag. Buck moves over and gets more weight. Chimney joined and he scoffed at Buck trying to one up Eddie's work out. Buck starts trying to take selfies of himself and Eddie looks over.

"You're in the wrong light, man." Eddie states.

"Some of us don't need lighting to look good." Buck explains.

"Hey, Eddie, what'd you mean by 'the wrong light'?" Chimney asks.

"The light in this room is flat and blue. Makes you look soft. If you want to look lean and muscles to pop, you need warm side light. I'll show you." Eddie explains and pulls out his phone and shows Chimney photos on his phone, "These are the ones I sent in for the calendar."

"Whoa." Chimney states.

"It's, uh, kind of cheating... submitting pictures by a professional photographer." Buck explains. Eddie snickers as he grins.

"The photographer's twelve. She's my niece." Eddie explains, "She's a master at the iphone filters."

"Your niece did this?" Chimney asks.

"Yeah." Eddie replies.

"You think she'd be willing to take my submission pics for me?" Chimney asks, "I'm told I photograph like an Asian Fabio."

"Sure she would, yeah." Eddie replies.

"Yeah?" Chimney asks.

"Yeah." Eddie replies.

"Ah, you know you really shouldn't get his hopes up like that." Buck explains. Buck started to do bicep curls and the two looked over at him.

"No offense, Chim." Buck states.

"No offense taken, Evan." Chimney states as he was offended. He walks away and Eddie moves over towards Buck.

"Yeah, come on." Buck mutters to himself.

"What's your problem, man?" Eddie asks. Buck thought about what he was going to say and said it anyway as he stood up straight to get even with Eddie.

"Okay, you. You're my problem. Your comfort level. You're-you're not supposed to just walk in here like you've been here for years. It's meant-meant to be a getting to know you period. You're meant to respect your elders." Buck explains.

"You're not his elder, Buck." Chimney states from across the way.

"Look, I in no way meant to, uh, be too familiar or step on anybody's toes." Eddie explains, "I know you're going through some personal stuff right now."

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