Bullets In The Chamber

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I was sitting in my office carefully reading plans for my next business plan. This guy who is mysteriously named wants to meet me at my fight club tomorrow evening, he said he would like to discuss business moves for particular development. I'm pretty sure he just wants my money like every other person who wants to discuss 'business for particular development' so the meeting is gonna be like every other meeting. A waste of fucking time

As always I end up going to these meetings like I'm doing now. Getting ready for the meeting with the mystery man. I put my black hair in a high ponytail then brush my bangs a little to give them volume. I put on a long classy black dress with no straps and long black gloves that almost reach my shoulders I match that with black high heels with red bottoms of course.

I step out of my bedroom and already I have eyes on me. "Are going to the fight club Miss M?" one of my henchmen standing by my door asks. I nod my head and the henchman takes my hand and then helps me carefully walk down the steps. As I reach the bottom of the stairs I give the henchman a smile as a thank you then grab my car keys. I drive a Mclaren 765 LT it's purple with a shade of black.

When I pull up to my fight club there's a line of black SUV's along with an Infiniti G35 Coupe that looks oddly familiar, I'm pretty sure I stole it before. When I walk inside all eyes are focused on me, and the music that is playing smoothly fills my eardrums as a warm welcome of home. I see one of my employers walking towards me. The way he walks tell me that he's nervous which is unlikely for him as he never got nervous. Before he can speak I hold my pointer finger against his lips, "Somethings wrong I can tell" I say slowly taking my pointer finger off his plump light pink lips. "Ma'am the mysterious guest is...the clown prince of crime," He says while fiddling with his fingers

"Don't worry I will handle it, thank you for the information." I say, this is the 4th time the Joker has tried to get something from me. But all the 3rd times it was one of his goons, I guess for the 4th time he decides to show himself. I feel a nervous feeling in the bottom of my gut, I'm not sure about opening this door to my office. I guess it has to be done, as I open the door I see a pale man sitting in one of my chairs that are across from my desk. He has very bright green hair that is slicked back and is wearing a white dress shirt with black slacks and black shoes, he has a very nice taste in jewelry the watch he's wearing on his left wrist looks so very stealable. "Hello Joker I guess today you wanted to make an appearance finally" I say while walking to my desk. "Oh why yes, unfortunately I have no time to talk" His voice is so intimidating. "I love this guy he seems so intense" I say while smiling at one of my bodyguards. "So someone told me that you wanted to discuss business for particular development which I know is bullshit, so since you have no time to talk tell me why your here" I cross my legs waiting for an answer but he just sits there staring at me.

"I came here to give you an invitation to join me and Quinn in terrorizing Gotham" He says while getting up slicking his hair back. "I'm sorry I don't exactly do partners in crime, I will not become one of your play things that you can easily discard when you want." As I say that he look at me with his mouth partly open where I can see some of his sliver teeth. I get up leaning towards him, "Unless the only reason why you want me to join you and your pigtail pet is because your just slightly intimidated by me and my success" I say. His face drops and he slams his fist on my desk making my bodyguards become hostile. I put my hand on both of his fists and push them off my desk. Then I give him my famous smile kinda like his. "Please Joker I would not like to cause a scene even though you are most famous at doing those" I say while putting a gold object in my purse. "You are more aggravating than I thought you were" He says while walking towards me. I'm now just noticing how tall he is and how he towers above me even while I'm wearing heels. He smells so good, his scent travels through my nose and pleases my brain like an itch that's been there forever. I turn my body towards him and he's now really close to me, I put my hands on his chest thinking he would move back a bit but that only edged him closer. A part of me wasn't complaining another part of me didn't wanna fall in his trap. "Joker I think are meeting should be finished now" I say in a slight whisper. "Not until I get my answer doll" He says tilting his head slightly to the left. "Your answer is currently being decided, when I have that answer I'll call you immediately but for now may you please escort yourself to the exit unless you wanna watch a fight or participate in one" I say slowly taking my hands off his chest and avoiding eye contact. "Until next time doll face" he whispers in my ear giving me a slight shock down my spine and shocks in other places.

When he finally walked out the door with all his henchman I pull out the gold watch he was wearing on his left wrist out my purse. It shined in the light, my first plan was to sell it but knowing the joker there's a guaranteed it was stolen so I guess i'll wear it for other occasions.

Authors Note: I haven't wrote in a long time but I'm finally getting in the grove of it. Please let me know anything I need to improve on. Thank you for reading.

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