I Am Going To Break You

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Macaque slowly and confidently strolled over to Wukong. His glamour was down, proudly showing off his six colorful ears. Wukong taking a step back for every step forward the other takes. "I don't like the smile on your face." The king swallowed as his back hit the wall of the cave. The taller monkey leaned his forearm against the stone next to Wukong's head. "You're getting really close there, bud." His breath caught when their eyes locked. Amber eyes bore into sapphire. "Macaque, what are you doing?" He squeaked when the younger monkey leaned in towards his ear.

"You have been pushing my buttons all day, Wukong." Macaque purred, his free hand catching the king's chin. He tilted the shorter monkey's head up, just enough to show off his Adam's apple. "You were trying to get me angry."

Wukong's fur puffed up as he looked away from the other monkey. "What are you talking about?" He shut his eyes as Macaque brushed his nose against the king's ear, cheeks blazing. "I didn't do anything." His hat fell to the floor with a little nudge.

Macaque smirked at the flustered king. Is that how he wants to play? "Don't try to act innocent with me, dear king." Macaque admonished, tightening his on Wukong's chin. He straightened, turning the shorter monkey's face towards his. "You know I don't like it when you lie to me. But what I hate even more?" He dropped his forehead against Wukong's, rubbing their noses together. "I cannot stand it when you let Azure think he can touch what isn't his." Both monkeys had left the rest of the brotherhood down at the table after everyone else decided to camp out under the stars on the mountain.

"I-" Wukong bite back a whine as Macaque leaned back. The ebony monkey raised an unimpressed eyebrow. "I don't know what you mean." A wide smirk spread on Macaque's face. Wukong felt a tremor race down his back.

"You sure about that, Peaches?" Macaque scanned the other monkey's face. Wukong doesn't often want to take this route. His tailed flicked as his fangs poked out from his grin. "Come on, Wukong. I need words." He untied Wukong's scarf, letting it slip to the ground.

Wukong sent him a weak glare. "I'm sure." His eyes were dark as he stared up at his other half. "What are you going to do about it, Moonblossom?" The heat from the arm caging him against the wall seemed to spread over his whole form. His tail twitched in anticipation.

Macaque chuckled, pressing his body against the ginger's. He gave the older monkey a chaste kiss and whispered against his lips. "I am going to break you, Sunshine." He growled, his hand trailing down Wukong's chin, claws tracing a path down his neck, over his chest, down his navel, coming to a stop at his waist. Wukong trembled, leaning into the taller monkey. He pinned the king against the wall and covered peach colored lips with his own. The king's arms wrapped around his beloved warrior, hands clinging to Macaque's broad back.

Macaque nipped Wukong's lips with a smug smirk. When the king gasped he met the open mouth with his own. It was rare that Wukong pushed his buttons like today. Macaque hadn't been exaggerating when he told Wukong he couldn't stand it when Azure got too handsy with the other monkey. He pushed his tongue past Wukong's, the older monkey putting in just enough of a struggle to keep things interesting. A playful attempt at dominance before the king melted under Macaque's touch.

The taller monkey pulled back, prompting a whine from Wukong. A glistening strand of saliva connected them. "I can hear him right now." Macaque taunted the king. "Bragging to the stupid bird about winning your attention over me today." Wukong leaned back against the wall while he caught his breath. Gazing up at the ebony monkey he wondered where Macaque was going with this. "While he brags," The warrior dragged his teeth across the ginger's pulse point, earning a sharp inhale. "about having your attention, I have you here." He started biting kisses over Wukong's neck. The shorter monkey's head falls back against the wall with a soft sigh. "Making such sweet noises under me." He murmured, teeth gently pulling at the lobe of the ginger's ear. One of his own ears twitched, he smirked. "Your little plan may have worked a bit too well, Sunshine." Wukong gave him a concerned side eye. "The walking bag of feathers thinks now is his chance to make a move on me." The king's eyes widened, a low growl building in his chest. A chuckling Macaque was pulled into a bruising kiss.

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