Performance Immaculate

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Wukong fidgeted with his tail as he slouched into his couch. He sighed as season seven of Monkey King: The Animated Series started. Maybe I should go grab some more chips. He absentmindedly rolled his neck, groaning when it cracked.

"Oh, Wukong." A sultry voice whispered in his ear. He jerked away from the now laughing Macaque.

"Macaque! What are you doing?" Wukong turned to glare at the taller simian. Macaque just smirked and strolled in front of the king. "Seriously, what are you playing at, Macaque?" He want to fight or something? It's a bit late for a spar.

The ebony monkey tilted his head as he examined the ginger. "I'm bored." Macaque reached past Wukong's head, resting his hand on the back of the couch. He leaned into the king's ear. "I figured we could play."

Wukong swallowed harshly at the unexpected turn of events. Not a fight. Okay. "Play?" He cleared his throat. "What kinda play?"

"How about you sit right there," Macaque ran a hand down Wukong's chest. "And keep your eyes on me." Amber eyes locked onto gold. "Can you do that for me, my king?"

Wukong's jaw dropped as he gaped at the taller monkey. "Okay." He gasped when Macaque smirked and snapped. The room plunged into darkness as shadows from every corner rose and crashed over the two simians. Wukong blinked trying to get the lingering spots out of his eyes only to choke at the sight of Macaque. The shadow user had appeared in in normal clothes but now none of that remained. In its place was tight black shorts, a red leather harness, and black fishnet fabric covering his chest. Red two inch heels covered the ebony monkey's feet, red straps wrapped around up his calves. The most eye catching part of the outfit was the red choker with a small peach charm hanging from the center. Wukong's mouth snapped shut as his eyes hungrily devoured the sight of the other monkey. Heat pooling in his core as he tried desperately to retain his wits.

Macaque cocked his hips, resting his free hand on his waist as he smirked at the shorter monkey. "Like what you see, Peaches?" Wukong just nodded, rendered mute by the display in front of him. Endless miles of toned flesh rippled as Macaque chuckled. The king's eyes darted from the broad chest to the ripped abs, down a fluffy happy trail, and back up to large arms. His tail thumbed back against the couch. "Oh? Oh ho ho! You do!" The taller monkey leaned away from Wukong. "I made the right choice then."

Finally Wukong found his voice. "What?" He cleared his throat as Macaque set both hands on his hips, confident grin on his face. "What's happening, exactly?" His gaze snapped to Macaque's face, eyes widening at the unexpected addition to the other's face. Black eyeliner and golden eyeshadow seemed to soften the piercing stare of the taller monkey. It's so adorable when he does his cute puppy dog eyeliner.

"Heh. Same old Wukong." Macaque chuckled, tail swaying. "I'm going to give you a little show, dear king. If it would please you." The younger monkey teased.

"It does. You does. Do! You do. Yes?" Wukong stuttered, cheeks burning. Macaque preens as the king fumbled with his words. Without another word quiet music plays from behind the couch.

Wukong froze as Macaque ran his hands down his chest, long dark tail swayed slowly behind him. "I want you to keep your eyes on me, Peaches." His hips rocked side to side as he stepped closer. "I want to be the only thing occupying your mind." His hands traveled back up his body, ruffling the fur under the harness and fishnet. "For everything else to fall away and all you know is me." Rolling his head back and around, hands releasing the glamour from his ears. "And I want to hear every little sound you make. Am I clear?"

"Crystal." The king's voice was breathless. The rare appearance of six glowing ears stealing all his attention. An excited little chirp escaped him.

"That's my little slut." Macaque murmured. "Now be a good boy and stay still." He brushed a hand down the king's arm, lightly tracing invisible patterns into the soft fur. The tan hand slowly withdrew from russet fur as Macaque turned around and dragged his tail under Wukong's chin. The tail danced down the king's chest and leg. Macaque took a small breath and bent down, setting his forearms on the ground, legs far apart and tail waving high in the air. The shorts tightened as the ebony monkey's hips slowly swayed from side to side. He glanced at Wukong from between his legs and gave a pleased chirp at the sight of the other monkey's eye locked onto his ass. He planted his hands on the ground and lifted his legs into the air with a slow spin. Facing the Wukong and lowering his body slowly, arms flexing.

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