Cool School

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I am in seventh grade and in middle school. Why they have a middle school is beyond me but here I am. Elliott in high school and I checked it out when mom took us to tour our schools. I know where everything is and it's pretty great, a lot of parents didn't want to join the tour of the schools. It somehow calms me down knowing where everything. It feels good to be able to give directions to other students. I was resistant at first until mom said we were touring the high school as well. I am being looked at by a few girls, yeah girls I know that you like my looks, but I am not going to be going steady at 12.

I am probably one of the biggest freshman size wise. Height not so much. I am on as many sports teams as I can get on. I am taking the required number of courses and then ones I am interested in, except foreign language. I chose Spanish. Mom and dad are both adamant that we should all know at least one foreign language, play a musical instrument and a self dense course. I did boxing and wore all the protective gear mom could buy. I am just going through the halls and see a few of my friends from middle school. A few of the seniors are picking on them because they are still small and a couple a nerdy. I walk up and the seniors have a look of concern on their faces as well they should because they might outnumber my friends and are a bit bigger than them, they are half my size. I decide to lay the law down to who is who in this scenario. Nobody picks on my friends, I pick the tallest and biggest if the lot and then look at the smallest one of the bullies and he is the troublemaker in the group. I get up close and personal with him and make sure he smells the toothpaste I used this morning. I tell him and his group if they pick on my friends I will assure retaliation and they won't see it coming. I won't need to get physical with these guys, they think being seniors give them power. None of the could hold their own in a fair fight. I tell them to run while the running is good. The guys crew leaves him and soon he follows and actually says this isn't over. I laugh and tell him good I could use a good laugh again.

Billy Walters
Hey you got here just in time and I'm glad you did. Now let's get to class. We all leave to our classes. Elliott and I head to Spanish class. I am going to need to start working out and I will do it tonight. I never made any of the sports teams this year. The bully Jack Hyde is three inches shorter than me and yet he is the biggest bully in this school. The rest of his crew is about my height, but I still growing to do they don't. When told them to run all of the but Jack ran. He stood his ground. He finally left to go to class.

Jack Hyde
I don't know who that guy is yet, but I will find out who he is and cause him my own kind of trouble. I'm rule this place and he has to learn that. I had to get to class or we would have been in a fist fight now. I guess those were his friends he was coming to save. In time I will even the score.

A month later
I am waiting for Elliott Grey in the gymnasium and I am ready for him. The guys have gathered various balls and we are armed and ready. As the door opens we start throwing without checking it was Elliott Grey. The biggest mistake of my lifetime as coach Roberts and the principal walk through the doors and we have knocked them both out and we miss our targets that were behind them. I watch as Elliott and his friends pull their unconscious bodies out of harms way. I hear a 911 call being made. We can't get out of here without someone seeing us now.

I and my teammates are following the coach and the principal to the gym for extra practices before the big game. The coach opens the door and suddenly I hear the thud and see a baseball and another and they keep coming and the principal goes down. Me and the team pull the unconscious bodies into the hall way and call 911. I check to see if they are breathing and look for anything else. I just know this is Jack Hyde behind this, because everyone knew about our team using the gym for extra practices. What no one, not even the team is that the coach and the principal were sitting in on them. I know there is no way Hyde and his bullies can get out of there without going through the door we are standing in front of. I put up with this guy for a month and so did my friends. He wouldn't lay hands on us for fear of losing his scholarship. Something must have changed for him to decide to do this.

I and my friends are being taken out in handcuffs because we assaulted the coach and the principal. We didn't hit Elliott or the team. I hear my friends say it was all my idea and I threw first. No loyalty at all. I lost my scholarship because of some stupid rule I broke, not once but many times. Who cares that I am top of my class now because it will get me nothing. Now I will probably spend time in jail for this. I should have known better than to think that I could have it all.

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