A Big Mistake

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I made friends with Anastasia and after I found out what Kate and her friends were like I stayed away from her and them. Kate likes to spread rumors about people she doesn't like. She's made Anastasia and me her main targets. Ethan has joined in since Ray Jr and he are on the outs. This is their last year at this school and they go to middle school. Anastasia told me that Ethan got Finn and Ray Jr in trouble and he was the only one who started the playground fire. I believe that is true.

I just have no time for do gooders like the Grey and Steele families. I don't want anyone becoming friends with them either. So I assure they won't. Mia and Anastasia are outcasts now. Ray Jr not so much, Ethan has a bad reputation of doing things and letting his buddies take the fall. So no one trusts him. My family has been printing stories about local charitable organizations and if all the money goes to the charities? It just happened to be printed after certain charities that the Grey family started had events to raise funds for the charities. It was put in such a way that the Grey or the Steele family couldn't sue or insist it be retracted. My family does this regularly and they never get sued. It definitely causes a lot of problems for the charities and the people who run them. I recently found out that just because people start a charity doesn't mean they make money from being on the board or the event planning. But the reverse can be true. My dad is just trying to open people's eyes to charities who aren't so charitable to the people they are raising funds for.

I swear that the Kavanagh family use their newspaper to make enemies. Dad and Mom say that they are getting sick of the innuendos and they can't do anything about it. They stepped down from the board of their charities. Being audited regularly is getting expensive and tiresome. Mia said the same thing is happening to her parents, but they aren't willing to step down from what they started. I think my dad is going to have the audit results reported in a different newspaper the day after  Kavanagh papers print the same inane article. Mia's parents thought it was a great idea. It would definitely stop the attacks by the Kavanagh family. Ray Jr is just as angry about it all.

Ray jr
If the Kavanagh family ever had a charitable thought they would see a shrink to get rid of it. They definitely don't donate time or money and they sure don't sponsor anything at all. Kate and Ethan both are all about what's in it for them. Others are starting to dislike them as much as we do and we don't talk about them at all. We don't need to, they cause their own problems along with their parents newspaper. A few stories they printed they got from their classmates. Both have been known to listen in on private chats and the next day it is in the Kavanagh Newspaper. No one likes them and they don't have a lot of friends. Mom and dad tell me to ignore them both because they are not worth the effort. I don't talk about much but school and sports, so they can't really get a story from me. Anastasia doesn't talk around Kate period.

I am not included in anything anymore. Ray Jr and Finn aren't even allowed to talk to me anymore. They can't have anything to do with me either. Kate has been stirring up crap and using conversations of our classmates private lives to give to dad to print in the newspaper. So now they think we both are doing the same things. Her starting rumors is also a huge issue. I have to go to school with all these people until college. I know if Ray Jr wanted to he could beat me to a pulp. I have seen both he and Anastasia defend themselves against an attack. They didn't start the fight they just stopped the person from hitting them. Kate caused all of it. Of course she stood back and watched the attacks. She even got me beat up.

I will be glad to get away from the Kavanagh family. I am sure everyone feels that way. They are entitled brats. My parents have money too, but I was taught the value of integrity, hard work, money doesn't grow on trees and honesty. I definitely know none of them can say the same. I am still angry about having to pay for what Ethan did and so is Ray jr. We are also angry for being blamed unjustly regarding our being involved at all. Our parents had to hire attorneys to represent us. Luckily the school did ask for juvenile detention time. We can't have anything to do with each other at all. Like we would after he didn't admit to doing all on his own.

Kate is a huge pain in the ass, but she is my only friend at this point. I just hope I find someone else who is a better friend. Lily doesn't want to hear the name Kate again. She said that because of Kate her parents lost everything due to the story her dad wrote in his newspaper. She heard Lily tell a very private family story and used it. They had to move in with her grandparents because of Kate and her father. The story was true so they couldn't sue.

I would love to get sone dirt on the Kavanagh family and make them pay for what they did to me and my family. Sad thing is that no one has ever heard her talk about her or her family. She does however make up stories about her classmates. Such a bitch.

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