Chapter 2

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"But I don't wanna go to the doctor's," David whined.

"None of us do, David. I still have a problem with needles," Trevor said and he shuddered.

The family piled in the car and headed to the doctor's office. Evanna stayed quiet as they drove down the road, looking at the rear view mirror and at Brenda, Aya, and David. She exhaled quietly and they continued on.

After pulling into the parking lot, going inside, and signing in, the five of them sat in the waiting room. Trevor and Brenda read magazines while Aya and David played on the floor pretending to be animals.

Soon they were called; the kids and Evanna followed the nurse to one of the rooms. She did a simple checkup, the doctor came into the room with blood test results after a few minutes. The doctor smiled at the kids. she had short black hair and brown eyes. She was an older woman, but that didn't stop her from doing her job.

"How is everyone today?" she asked.

"We could all be better," Trevor said. His siblings nodded in agreement.

"I'm sure everything is perfectly fine," the doctor noted as she opened the folder with the test results. A normal procedure in the office was to test and see if patients had the Dragon Gene. All four kids had the positive box checked on the four papers and she looked up at Evanna. "May I speak with you outside please?" Evanna followed the doc outside the room. Once the door closed, Evanna received the papers and the doctor pointed to the gene test.

"All four are positive? I'm not questioning why you do this, but still! My babies are dragons? How can this be?" Evanna asked. "They were born as humans, before they were born they were humans!"

"I know it's hard, and we've tested you before and you turned out negative. What of their father?" the doc asked and Evanna bit her bottom lip.

"They don't even know their father. I don't know what he does, but he's human, he must be!" Evanna exclaimed.

"I know it's hard to accept, but it is what it is. Your kids aren't human, they need training."

"Where am I supposed to go?"

"There is a sanctuary a few towns over that trains anyone who's a dragon, whether they learn how to be a dragon, or they train to have better control. I heard that there were disabled dragons there as well."

"Disabled? How do you know all this?"

"I'm one of those experts in dragons, a reliable friend to count on to help dragons. I'll have the front desk give you printed directions. The sanctuary isn't on a GPS, it's a very well hidden place."

"Thank you."

Evanna pulled her kids from the room, received the papers, paid for the visit and they headed out to the car. However, they sat in the parking lot for a moment before Evanna looked back at the three in the back seat.

"They did a gene test on you four, and you all have the dragon gene," she said.

"Wait, wait, wait. We're...we're dragons? All of us?" Trevor asked.

"All of you are. You're father must've had the gene...or is a dragon."

"You never knew, did you?" Brenda asked and Evanna shook her head.

"We're going home, you're all going to pack your bags and I'm taking you somewhere to control your powers," Evanna said and she started the car.

"You're bringing us there so you can hide us! That's what you're doing, Mom, you're not helping us- you're hiding us," Trevor accused her.

"Trevor, you, Brenda, Aya, and David are all I have left. Why would I want to send you away?"

"She has a point, Trevor," Aya said.

"I know, it's just that...after knowing Dad left I just..." Trevor fell silent.

"I know, Trev, I know," Evanna patted his knee. "Make sure you pack everything you all need. I'm sure it'll be like home, but just pack clothes for now. I'll have any of your other belongings sent to you."

They pulled back into the driveway and the four kids jumped out, heading inside with their mother and heading upstairs, grabbing their suitcases and backpacks. Clothes went into the suitcases, other things in the backpacks.

Trevor threw his portable game systems and his favorite books into his backpack. He grabbed a framed picture of him in his football uniform, his helmet was under his arm and he was smiling like a fool. Trevor shook his head at the picture and put it into his backpack. He zipped it up and headed downstairs with it and his suitcase.

Brenda threw her battery powered portable DVD player and multiple DVDs with her favorite shows in her backpack. She looked around her room for a moment, wondering if she would ever see it again. She sighed, picked up her bags, and headed downstairs.

Aya pocketed her iPod right away when she entered her room before the clothes were packed. She threw all her Ty ponies in her bag before grabbing a white unicorn with purple hair that was from the Build-a-Bear collection. She pulled her backpack on and dragged her suitcase behind her with the unicorn in her grasp.

David piled his dolphin stuffed animals in his backpack and a few other sea creature toys, but dolphins were the main focus. He looked around his room, sighing and picking up his stuff and headed downstairs.

Once they were all in the car, suitcases in the trunk and backpacks on the floor between the owners' knees, they were off. Trevor played on his games, Brenda watched her shows with headphones, Aya played with a purple winged unicorn and a pink horse and David played with two dolphins.

It wasn't long until they turned into a hidden gravel road that led into a forest. Soon, a large building came into sight, surrounded by a high fence. Evanna turned the car off and got out along with Trevor. The two could see a strange man standing on the inside of the gate. His eyes were green, but his pupils were cloudy like he was blind.

"Can I help you?" the man asked. His black hair blew in the breeze.

"Yes, is this the Dragon Sanctuary?" Evanna asked.

"How do you...?" the man blinked with surprise. He put two fingers to his temple and nodded. "The...director of the sanctuary will be out here shortly, dragons stay here, humans have to leave, I can smell the difference between the two species."

Evanna waved the other three out of the car. She unlocked the trunk and gave everybody their suitcases. After checking that backpacks were out of the car, each of the kids received a hug and a kiss from their mother before being left behind. They all watched the car drive away with sad looks. Trevor had a put a hand on David's shoulder so he wouldn't try to run after the car, although it was more for Trevor, not David.

"Don't worry, you four will still be able to contact her soon," a woman said, or more like a girl. She looked to be Brenda's age. She had long brown hair tied back in a ponytail. Her eyes were green, but her right one was light green, her left was dark green. She had pale skin and her cheekbones were dotted with freckles. She wore a t-shirt, jeans, and gym shoes. A black sweater was tied around her waist. Just peaking out from under the sleeve of her left arm was what looked like the bottom of a diamond or a heart. "Right now, though, let's get you four settled in."

"You're the director?" Trevor asked and he looked down at the girl.

"Don't judge a book by its cover, Trevor," the girl said.

"Wait, we never told you our..." Brenda trailed off and they all stared at the girl.

"Welcome to the world of dragons," the girl simply said and the gate opened. "Sonar, have Malice let the griffins loose for guard duty. Then tell him to meet in the training room, we have some introductions to make." She waved the four onward and they followed with their things.

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