Chapter 3

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The four of them followed the telepath through the sanctuary, and even just a quick look, it was impressive. There was a massive kitchen and multiple doors they passed before going down a few sets of stairs and coming to what looked like an underground base.

"What is this?" Trevor asked. There was a window looking into a room where a woman was sitting on the floor. She had long blond hair tied back in a ponytail much like the girl who led the four of them. Ocean blue scaled baby dragons played around her. An ocean blue and sea green dragon laid asleep on her lap.

"We keep the fledglings here sometimes. That's Tikimune, a disabled dragon who is here learning to be human. The little ocean blue and sea green fledgling on her lap is my youngest son, Tyrande," the girl said and she smiled as Tikimune  waved.

"You never told us your name," Brenda said.

"Whoops, I do that a lot. In human form, call me Kathey," she said.

"I feel like I've heard of you. Wait- aren't you Kathey Royals, the griffin trainer?" Trevor questioned.

"I'm more than just a griffin trainer; let's move on," Kathey said and led the four through the halls. They soon came to what looked like a school gym with metal walls. There were thirteen good sized dragons flying around the arena, attacking with different breath elements at targets or at each other.

"I think it's time you told us who you really are," Trevor said and Kathey smirked. Sonar, Tikimune, and five other people walked in. She nodded to them and they lined up, becoming dragons.

Kathey glowed with a pink shine and in her place stood a massive pink dragon. Its right eye was light pink, while its left was dark pink. On its left shoulder was a tattoo of a heart with the letter A inside it. A spike on its neck was chipped and a white color. Around the dragon's neck was a black amulet with a strange dragon on it.

"You're that famous dragon on TV all the time!" David exclaimed and his siblings looked at him.

"What famous dragon?" Aya asked. Tyrande dropped from his mother's shoulder and started to sniff her.

"Anna Dragon and the Compass Dragons!" David said happily.

"I guess the news about us is not that secret is it, Anna?" a light blue dragon asked. His horns pointed forward, every breath he exhaled was a cold cloud, and at the end of his tail were a few spikes.

"I guess not, Sylark. Let's start with introductions. You obviously know me now. Anna Dragon, Dragon of the North, princess of the Dragons. I'm a Flower Dragon," Anna explained. She looked over at the adult dragons standing behind the other thirteen that were only half their size.

"I am Sonar Granite. Earth Dragon. I may be blind but I can feel vibrations and use echolocation," a green dragon said. He had a brown club at the end of his tail that looked a lot like a spiked ball. His eyes were clouded, so the kids knew he was the man from the gate.

"I'm Tikimune, but you guys can call me Tiki. I wanted to be one of the Royal Guards for the royal family when Hell Dragons pulled my wing from my back. I'm a Water Dragon," Tiki told them. She did indeed only have her left wing. At the end of her tail it seemed like she had strange flaps, opening all of them would make a cross. Her scales were a beautiful ocean blue like the young dragons she had been playing with before.

"My name issss Ssssamual. I have a ssspeech dissssorder. I hisssss when I sssspeak. Anna hassss been teaching me how to not hissss assss much when I ssspeak. I am a Sssserpentine Dragon. We are very sssnake like," a black and silver dragon hissed. His round eyes were more like a snake's rather than a dragon's. His forked tongue snaked out as he tasted the air.

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