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After a few hours later we were at the place we were all waiting for; Kyoto. Bachira and I slept the whole way, we didn't even wake up when there was a toilet break. I have to admit that it didn't bother us at all, at least we got some sleep.

When the bus parked, we all got out. Some students were also sleep deprived and some were full of energy and enthusiasm. I was something in between. We took our luggage outside and waited for what would happen next and where we would go.

The environment was really remarkable, like from a fairy tale itself. The weather was warmer than at home, the plants here grew more, too. Everything here smelled and looked nice.

It was some nature school reserve, so I'm not surprised I guess.

"So.." Chigiri went to me with a smirk, his pink hair fluttered in the wind.

"How did you sleep?"

"S-Shut up, dude.. It's nothing unusual, we were just resting" I replied to him when I realized what is talking about. I put my hands in my pockets and didn't try to make eye contact even though I could still feel his playful smirk next to me.

"I'm not saying it's something unusual, you know. I think you two would make a great couple."

"A great what!?" I turned to him with surprise, I didn't know if I heard right at that moment. My tone slightly increased and some people looked at us incomprehendingly. Well, this is embarrassing.

I've calmed down my hormones, this is definitely not the time to talk about this.

We were all sorted into groups and classes, waiting for our teacher Mr. Aizawa. I could smell Bachira's scent as he stood next to me and the wind blew through us. He smells like summer flowers in a meadow today, I'm definitely not complaining.

I saw Rin stand up this time not next to him but close to me. I didn't understand why at all, but I didn't like it, and that's when our teacher came to us in his spring clothes and a brown hat on his head.

"I'm sorry for waiting for me, we dealt with school matters.. Anyway, go to this building, find your rooms on the paper, and we'll meet outside the building in an hour and have lunch, is that clear?" he looked at us to see if we understood everything he just told us.

I wonder what we're having for lunch.

We agreed with Mr. Aizawa and went on our building, which was almost entirely wooden but still modern. It was reasonably tall and well built to be honest.

I was so lost in my thoughts about the building that Rin hit me hard on the shoulder making me whistle in pain. Bachira was glaring at him the entire time with a not nice look.

"Oops, next time don't stand in the middle of the path, coward" he told me threateningly and went inside with his things. I touched the place of pain for a while to make it stop and tried to forget it.

"Ignore him, he's probably not in a good mood" Bachira walked over to me and my shoulder to check if I was okay. What should I say to him about this?

"He and that bad mood of his is hatred towards me, you know that very well" I answered him and glared at him. He returned a slightly pitying look with sad eyes. His gentle hand went away from my shoulder and took his things.

"I will always be by your side, Isagi. Don't worry about that" he answered me in a soft voice and with slightly pink cheeks. I looked at him as red as a tomato, but I tried to remain calm.

After another awkward conversation we decided to finally go check our room. It was almost all the way up on the floor, but luckily we have enough strength and stamina from playing soccer and training. So running up to the top like little kids was no problem.

Opening the door with the keys, we noticed one thing that surprised us both.

There was only one big bed.

No two beds, just one in the middle of the room. Around the wardrobe and one table with a chair. The bathroom was next to our room. Our eyes couldn't believe it at all, we slowly looked at each other confused as to whether we had the right room.

"S-Should we ask our teacher?" I asked Bachira. He paused for a moment, wondering if this was a good idea.

"No, I don't mind if we sleep together in the same bed.."

"Me neither.."

There was a thick silence between us, rather it was very uncertain and all. Are we seriously going to sleep together every night now? What if something happens? Or catches us and then tell it everyone?

Oh man. We live only once.

"Alright then, we'll sleep together"

"Hehe, can't wait~" he replied happily with a smile. His hands went away from his pockets and he went to his trunk to take out his things. I did the same and that was our thing for an hour straight.

After the whole day, nothing changed, our lunch was eaten and then the program for the afternoon came. And walking on the trails. It was really amazing. We were also told that there is a football field, so we who play it were very happy.

I can't wait to play and destroy them all.

After a hard day, the hours passed quickly and with it the sun went down behind the mountains. The last rays warmed our faces. Dinner was already over and now it was time for our personal program.


I practiced soccer outside with Nagi and Chigiri. Kunigami joined us later. But there was no mention of my crush anywhere, as far as I remember he said that he needed to solve something.

I don't know what at all. I asked him, but he said it was a surprise for us. The fact that Rin isn't here too is more stressful for me.

"Wow, Isagi. I don't want to sound cruel, but you really suck at dribbling" Nagi told me in shock, his soccer ball under his feet. It knocked my self-esteem down even more when others joined in.

"Yeah, I noticed that too. His strength isn't much better either"

"I thought Bachira finally taught you, didn't he?"

"Guyyss.. Why do you have to judge me like this?" I took a deep breath, my voice already hoarse from exhaustion. Bachira and teach me dribbling? I'm not going to lie, we tried and then gave up. Because that thing is difficult to me.

We were about to take a break when Bachira came out of the building quickly and yelled at us.

"Come in, let's have a dance duel!"

Dance.. what??

High school crush - ||Bachisagi||Where stories live. Discover now