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I went home earlier than I'm normally used to, I tried to fake my sickness in front of our school nurse and it worked out perfectly. I didn't even feel like eating or saying goodbye to my boyfriend and friends. Yes, I know I should at least say something, but damn, how can I explain it?

Annoyed, I shouldered my bag and prepared to go home. I really regretted shouting at Bachira unnecessarily, I didn't think ahead at all. He didn't deserve it honestly, but my stubborn head full of rage, it had to come out somehow. If I was the one punching Rin, I'd feel ten times better.

Now I just hope that Bachira doesn't get a terrible punishment from the headmaster for what he caused. I still can't believe he did something like that, I'm definitely not disappointed in him. Just in shock. And I'll be by his side if anything happens.

When I was already in front of the school gates to try to clear my thoughts, I was slightly stopped. It was a gentle hand on mine that I know so well, that hot flush on my face every time it happens; Meguru.

"That school nurse said you don't feel well.. Are you alright?" he asked worriedly with a sad face. Poor him, I guess his worries haven't left him since morning.

"Don't worry, I just need some fresh air."

"You sure?"

"Very sure."

I smiled at him, his eyes lit up when he saw me like this. And just like that I took him closer to me and hugged him, surely he was kinda surprised by that but he went for it. The pleasant warmth against my body, it was relaxing.

As my head rested on his shoulder, my eyes looked around the school grounds at the same time. Photos managed to be torn from all walls and corners. The janitor definitely put in a lot of work to clean this up, it calmed me down, I just hope that Rin will be kicked out of school for this plus the girl.

I took a breath, trying to relax my body on him. This is definitely not the end between us, I won't let anyone else come to break our relationship. I seriously don't want to experience such stressful months ever again. I want to be with Bachira forever because I feel over the moon with him and I love him so much.

We can do this, I believe so.

"I have a birthday surprise for you." I told him proudly, placing my hand on his cheek.

"What is it??" he chuckled and made our faces to be closer and closer.

"Well you have to wait for that specific day~"

"I don't know if I can wait until that day, Yoichi."

"Someone is impatient heree." I laughed and he made that offensive expression that was pretty funny.

"Ohh shut upp-"

He kissed me so I couldn't say anything else, I did the same action. It was long, deep, full of excitement to the whole body. I was rosy-cheeked, it sure put me in a good mood and him too. When it was over it was time to say goodbye, my head still in other thoughts from the overwhelming morning.

"Come home safe when you go, if anything happens I'll come for you, okay?" I caught him with my hands carefully with my comment.

"You know.. It's cute when you say something like that."

"You think so?"


Wow, now I really don't want to leave him here. Can't I at least take him with me? Of course, that would mean more trouble from school. I smiled like a little girl, his eyes hypnotized me again with beauty and grace.

"You're cute, Meguru.. See you later."

"See ya later too, cutie."

We kissed once more, he deepened the kiss and I hugged him tightly. I feel so good with him, more than with anyone else. It's still funny how he was the first to tell me his feelings for me, the whole time I thought I would start it but I guess fate changed plans.

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