out of the hospital

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today was the day mimi and armoni aumajai samia alsina came home. august is still in the hospital but is awake , he actually leaves later on today. i walked in and went straight to mimi's room. august is in this same hospital by the way. mimi and him talked and mimi explained o him what went down that day and he didnt know he did all that. he said all he remembers him leaving the studio with the magazine to the bar. mimi cried and told him how he beat her up and he caused her to go into birth a week early. he was even bawling. he apologized so many times but mimi said her plane ticket is made and her house is purchased. also her  that almost all her stuff is there allshe gotta do is bring her make up things. august begged her and she said no, she cant . i got there and she was ptting armoni in her carseat . she then saw me and kissed my chek. i got the carseat and she got the bags. i signed her and armoni out the hospital and we walked out to my lambo. she looked  at me, i actually forgot she told me not to drive this one to come get her. its too fast for the baby.

mimi- i'll be right back . i need to say something to august.

chris- ight, i'll be in the car wih moni.

mimi- okay. *walks back into the hospital in her black jeggings , white v neck, black and white jordans*

front desk lady- you forgot something mrs. alsina ?

mimi- yes, im going to see my husband. i can right ?

front desk lady- ofcurse. you know the room right ?

mimi- yeah thanks. *walks up the stairs to august's hospital room*


i am so sory for what i did to mimi. i usually can hold my achohol but i was at a vulnerable state. i aint mean to hit her. i would never hurt her and everyone knows that. i was laying i bed and ust thinking about how im losing my lil' princess and my only ride or die.  i then heard the door open and closed. i then looked to see her looking so beautiful. she had tears come down her eyes. she came over to me and hugged me so tight as tears fell from her eyes to my back. we both stayed crying in each other's arms for about 5 minutes. she then pulled away and wiped my tears and kissed my lips. i did the same to her. she smiled at me.

mimi- it's okay baby. we have a baby now and i cat take her away from you. as long as you willing to step to the plate to take care of her with me , ion' got a problem.

august- so you not going to move no mo' ?

mimi - i am. *shrugs* i was thinking that you would come with me. and we start off new with our little family. the crew can cme visit from time to time. chris got a house up there already.

august- i got my mom dow here in atlanta with my nieces. i gottah think about this cause my mom has cancer. *sighs*

mimi-*sighs* ight, well call me when you read and i'm going to see her today. * kisses august's lips and was about to walk out*

august-*holds her arm* come on, dont be mad at me babe.

mimi- i'm not mad. i just wished that it wouldnt have to be like this. you the one that kicked me out in the first place. but i forgive you august im trying to forget . but i gotta go. i'll see you tonight when you come to chris' house.

august- ight, can i get one more kiss please ? * puckers up*

mimi-*kisses him deeply and passionately* i love ou august.* leaves. gets in the car with chris and armoni and drives owards chris' house*


happy memorial dayyy !

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