A Fresh Start

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I woke up to the blaring sound of 'I'd love to change the world' by Jetta (Mastubs remix) coming out of my phone. I have no idea why I always put it on full volume and they were already loud songs anyway but I did and it never failed to make me jump. But hey, at least it woke me up. I reached over and grabbed my phone to check my new notifications. Just a few twitter and tumblr mentions and a couple instagram followers but that's about it. And then I had to check the time.

It read 8:15 am

I had grown accustomed to waking up later on in the day during the summer like around 12ish so for a second i thought ' why the hell did I wake up so early I shouldn't even be allowed like i can't even function this early in the morning and I don't have anything planned today anyway' but then I soon realized why.


I was already knocking on her door, not bothering to walk in because who knows what she could be doing in there. I felt someone poke my shoulder so I looked to my side to see that she was, in fact, awake. I should have known though, cause she was always waking up earlier than me to make sure her makeup and hair was perfect. I must have looked like a complete idiot to her then with my hair everywhere and my frantic knocking.

"I know it's the first day but can you be a little less excited? It's still school and it's not like you've ever liked it before"

She had a point, I guess, but leaving home to go somewhere new without people telling us what to do (for the most part) was such a freeing feeling. We both grew up in Chicago anyway so it's not like we were that far from where our parents were but that didn't stop me from getting over excited.And plus I was super excited to see what my classes were gonna be like and if I'd meet new friends.

"Who pissed in your cheerios this morning?" I asked

"I don't eat cheerios"

"Oh right sorry, you eat bitch flakes"

I left her before she could reply but not fast enough as she gave me a 'really?' look and I went to have a shower to get ready for my long day coming ahead.

After my shower I felt refreshed but my nerves came rushing in. What if this just totally sucks and everyone ends up hating me?

I guess we'll just have to wait and see.


I parked my car near the entrance to the building so I wouldn't have to do much walking to get inside. It was raining outside so I'm glad I made that decision. I tried to quickly get in the building before I got too wet. I found my class after looking for about 20 minutes and asking so many people that never game very good directions. I grabbed a seat in the second last row near a window and waited until my teacher came in.

At the very last second before the bell rang a woman, probably in her mid 40's came strolling in in dress pants and a red shirt.

"Good morning student, my name is Ms. Britton and I hope you have an amazing first day. This is also most likely your first day of comparative literature and creative writing classes. Well let me tell you it will......"

Yeah, I was majoring in English lit and creative writing but i really want to write a book later on. I feel like it would be pretty good and I'll be successful and happy with my life. As a backup though, in case it doesn't work out for me I also take physics. I've always had an interest in science and chemical reactions so it should be fine.

I didn't listen to much after that instead I turned my head to the side, glad I chose a window seat and daydreamed on as I watched and listened to the relaxing sound of the rain pouring in the background. While trying not to look so disinterested, bored or asleep.


Hey guys it's my first story and I would really appreciate feedback so please comment your thoughts and also like and follow us :) <33

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