First game

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It's been almost a month since college started and things were going good so far. And I was always at the top of my classes. The thing I was most excited about though was the games. It's a couple days into October and Chicago has their first regular season game against LA Kings. I couldn't lie, I didn't like that team and I was 100% sure my team was gonna win this for us.

It was a couple hours before the game and Ange and I had just got back from lunch with a few of our friends from high school that didn't end up in the same university as us. I opened up my closet and found my beloved Jonathan Toews jersey. Not gonna deny it, I had a pretty big crush on this guy and I had made it very obvious and I hope that during this game I don't embarrass myself too much. For my first game of the season and the United Centre, I was pretty determined to get a puck, I had never gotten one from here and it would be pretty special. Earlier I had gone to the store and bought cardboard paper and sharpies and began writing 'Hey guys it's my first game at the UC can I get a puck to celebrate?' Even though it wasn't my first game ever and I had partially lied but I was sure that after this I was going to get one.

I finished getting ready about an hour before the game started and I walked out of my room to see if Ange was ready so we could start heading out so we could grab something quick to eat before the game so we didn't starve ourselves. She saw my sign when I came out and laughed at me.

"Are you serious? A sign"

"Yes. Shut up. It's not like you haven't thought of doing this before"

She ignored me and put on her shoes and we left for the game.


The game was about to start in less than 10 minutes and I was super excited to say the least. First game of the season was always the best especially when everyone got excited and forgot the mistakes of the previous season. It was like a restart button.

I saw a couple of players walk beside me and I grew more and more anxious for the game to start. The announcer was staring to call the players name and we cheered a bit more for the ones we had crushes on.


The game was doing well so far we were winning 3-1 by the third period and you could tell that the players were pretty confident that this was a win even before it finished. I had barely put up my sign during the entire thing. As I just remembered about it I put it against the glass in between me and the guys and started to bang on the window, not to hard though, didn't want to break their ear drums.

Seabs turned around when he heard the banging and read the sign before giving me a thumbs up and a 'give me a second' motion with his hand and turned to their captain and whispered something to him. Toews turned his head to look back and he stared right into my eyes and suddenly I felt like there was no one else around me, like it was just the two of us. Someone started shaking me and I burst out of my little bubble and looked over to Ange for an explanation.


"Yeah I know I saw him" I said with a slight blush

I turned to look back at the players and Jonathan was gone. He came back after a second with a piece of paper and a pen. He started writing on it and put it against the glass.

We don't have any right now but if you come over to the locker room after the media is gone I'll be happy to give you one

I looked up and smiled with a nod and he looked happy to hear that. He turned to his coach and pointed towards us, probably telling him to let us through after the game was over. It was time for his shift so he left for the ice to finish the game proudly.

Ange looked at me with a smirk.

"Someone has a crush on youuuu"

"What? No. That's ridiculous Angelina"

"Kayla there's a bucket of pucks right beside coach Q, he obviously wants to ask you out after the game"

"Maybe he just didn't see them"

She rolled her eyes and me and focused her vision back onto the game. I began to think while looking over at the pucks she mentioned. Maybe he did want to talk to me. Who knows, right?

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