Well that happened

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I woke up im a cold bed, I was alone. I slowly got up and looked around the room, I mean he has to be somewhere right? He wouldn't leave me here alone. I left his room and immediately found the bathroom, making sure I looked at least half decent and I combed through my hair so it didn't look so puffy. After doing my business I went over to the kitchen because damn I was hungry. I'm sure Jon wouldn't mind if I grabbed something before I left. I walked past the living room when I saw Jon sitting on the couch watching TV. I went up to him and sat beside him leaning my head against his shoulder.

"Hey there" he said


"Do you want to go get breakfast, I have nothing here"

"Yeah but can you take me home first so I can get out of this" I said, pointing down to my clothes.

"Okay, let's go"


I walked into the apartment I shared with Ange and before I got dressed I thought I would go check on her cause she didn't feel too good yesterday. Jon followed behind me towards her room. I knocked but there was no answer so I slightly opened the door and saw a bump in the sheets. Huh, that's weird. Ange is usually awake by this time. I walked in and moved and then I saw something I wish I didn't. There were two bodies mixed into the sheets, one of them being Ange but the other was Tyler Seguin. Can't lie though, I was staring at his ass and it was perfect. I zoned out pretty quick though, and then walked over to Ange's side of the bed. I nudged her until she woke up.

"Dude what the hell, what's he doing here?"

"Oh shit, I didn't think you'd be home so early"

"Answer me"

"Fine, I was bored. The end."

"You're such an idiot. What about Kane?"

"Were not dating so it doesn't matter"

"Okay then, I'll go and you have your fun."

I walked out to see Jon still standing in the hallway there waiting for me.

"Hey, is she doing okay?"

"Yeah she's doing better than okay, let me just get dressed and then we can go"


He sat down on my bed as I searched through my closet looking for something to wear. I settled on a simple sweater and leggings. I looked over at Jon and motioned towards the door. He just shook his head.

"Go on" he said

I crossed my arms and stood there waiting until he rolled his eyes and walked out the door saying he'd be right outside for whenever I finish getting ready. So I brushed my teeth, combed my hair with a brush this time and got dressed.

I walked outside and he stood there leaning against the wall on his phone. He looked up and saw me so he put his phone back in his pocket and walked up to me. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead before asking if I was ready.

"Yeah let's go"


(After breakfast)

Jon drove back to my apartment and I sat there with him in the car for a bit. Earlier he told me that he and the team had to go away for two away games. One in L.A. and the other in Anaheim. We were just saying goodbye before he kissed me. After that I went back up to my apartment as he drove away, I was kind of upset that I wasn't going to be seeing him for a couple of days but during that time I can focus on passing my classes and studying.

I walked up into the apartment and Ange was sitting on the couch just watching The Bachelorette when I came and sat beside her.

"So what was up with Segway in your bed this morning"

"I had fun. That's it. We already talked about it this morning"

"Yeah, for two seconds"

"Okay well after the game I got his number when I said i forgot something in the bathroom and then we were talking and I don;t know what came over me but I just thought 'hey why the f**k not'"

"But like I said, aren't you and Kaner a thing?"

"I don't know, sometimes I feel like he wants something more than friendship but then sometimes it's like he just gets annoyed by me and tries to ignore me and be distant"

"Did you talk to him about it?"

"About sleeping with Tyler? God no"

"No, about how you feel about him"

"No that's just pointless, it's not like that's gonna change his mind about me"

"It might you don't know that"

"Oh but I do, and I'm gonna go out so have fun"

Ange left the room and I was alone in the apartment already dying of boredom without anyone to talk to so I changed the channel and just watch some rerun episode of Lost.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2015 ⏰

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