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haha i finally post 😱

uh oh 




Mafuyu POV idk


"Mafuyu! I can't believe this!" 

"Mom! I-" 

"You shouldn't be worried about anything like romance! You should be studying, getting good grades! Not going on dates! ESPECIALLY with a girl!" 

"This is disgusting, Mafuyu!" 

My mother was yelling at me. She found out about Emu.

I didn't think she would be so angry..... I didn't think it would lead to an argument like this... 

It was pretty obvious she didn't approve, I have never seen her so angry at me before. She has never yelled at me like that. Here we were now, in a teary and loud argument about Emu. 

"Mafuyu, look at me when I speak to you!" 

I was looking at the floor, drowning in my thoughts, so when I heard that, I very quickly shot my head up and looked my mother in the eyes. 

Putting courage together, I tried to speak up. 

"W-What's so wrong about Emu? She-"

My mother cut me off mid-sentence, with a "You shouldn't be dating someone of the same gender, but aside from that, I just cannot see what you love so much about her! I don't approve of you looking for romance right now, but if you just absolutely had to, then you should've went for someone as intelligent as you... and of the opposite gender!" 

I didn't know what to say, but I had to say something. She was clearly insulting Emu, and she apparently thinks she's at a lower level than me. I had to defend Emu the best I could, I don't care what my mother thinks of me "talking back". I can't take her bullshit anymore. 

"Emu is a great girl! I don't care what you say about her, I love her and she makes me happier than you ever have! She takes care of me and tries her hardest to makes sure that I don't feel down. You're my mother, and a girl from school is better than you..." 

I pretty much mumbled that last sentence. I just knew how angry she was going to get when she heard me say all of that. I have never spoken to my mom that way before, if I'm being honest, I was a little afraid of how she was going to react. 

"What did you say!?" She let out a disappointed sigh. "Look at you. You're talking back, and you're saying that some hyperactive, crazy, and loud little girl is better than your own mother??!" 

I hated her so much for the things that she was saying about Emu. Tears were streaming down my face, and we continued arguing for a while. 

Eventually, I had enough. I ran out of the house as fast as I could before she could finish her next counterargument. Slamming the door behind me, and mumbling "Nasty homophobe." under my breath. 

I was still running when I heard her shout my name and open the door again. She didn't chase after me, though. She was just watching me run away. She didn't do anything. 
I ran far out of her sight, I didn't know where to go, but thinking back on the argument, I knew where I should be headed to. 

Emu's POV!!!! 

I was performing with Nene and the others, the show finished and we ended with our famous "Wonderhoy!", I walked off of into the backstage area with a wide smile on my face, proud of us! I got a notification on my phone, to which I checked immediately, considering it might be a family member since it was a little late. But I was shocked to see the contact name as 
"Mafuyu! ♡" 

The message they sent me felt a little mysterious. All it said was

"Come to the front entrance." 

Reading it, I felt a little worried and afraid. I excused myself from the other 3 and ran to where Mafuyu told me to meet. When I arrived, I was met with a teary-eyed, despairful Mafuyu. My eyes quickly widened and I ran to Mafuyu, and grabbed one of their hands and put one of mine on their shoulder. Starting off by asking the common question in situations like these. 

"M-Mafuyu! Are you ok???!!!!!" 

They didn't speak, they just looked at me. I pulled Mafuyu into a hug. It lasted just a few minutes before they spoke up. 

It was quiet, but I could still tell what they said. 

"M-My Mother..." 

Oh dear... "What?? Did something happen?! Did your mother do something?" 

Mafuyu explained everything to me. I teared up a bit, but it wasn't because of what Mrs. Asahina said about me. It was everything else and what she said to Mafuyu. I was feeling multiple emotions at once. I decided to just take Mafuyu to my place for now and let them sleep over. I was angry, and planning on talking to Mrs. Asahina the next day. 

Nobody's POV

Emu lead Mafuyu inside. She flicked the light switch and the 2 of them sat on the bed. Mafuyu crying in their hands. resting their head on Emu's arm while she has her other arm wrapped around them. 


After a whole lot of Emu comforting Mafuyu, they both fell asleep

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After a whole lot of Emu comforting Mafuyu, they both fell asleep. cuddling each other while Mafuyu grew a small, slight smile, knowing that she's safe with Emu and forever will be. No matter what anyone thinks. No matter what anyone says. Forever inseparable, no matter if someone tries to drag one away from the other. They will always have each other, and will always find a way to be together. 


The next morning, the pink and purple haired girls were eating breakfast with the Otori family. They each did their regular morning activities and routine steps. Emu and Mafuyu went out together, Emu didn't tell Mafuyu where they were going. They were a little confused though. Emu looked more serious then usual. Normally, she's calmer around her family, but this was a different story. She looked serious and determined, and a little angry. 

Mafuyu was behind Emu as they were walking through Shibuya, and was shocked to see Emu walk up to the front door of the now Mafuyu-less Asahina household...


oh noes 😱😓😰😨👍


also i got this idea from my friend adrian 😱😼

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