I - Chronology

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The Events of the following Debacle take place in a chronological format, and should be studied carefully.

4.6 * 10^9 BCE - Tharizdun spawns from another plane of existence into what is known as the material universe. Weakened and delusional from whatever had thrust him there, he becomes the supreme deity of Earth, and the absolute ruler of all that is natural. However, although he is the absolute master of his domain, it is also his prison, as he influences nothing that is beyond his planet, the world.

2 * 10^6 BCE - The Birth of Man.

Tharizdun creates the first iteration of Man. Man began as an immensely curious species. Over time, it learned to adapt, and to thrive in the environment presented in it. And with this Tharizdun was satisfied, for he had created a slightly more difficult species to destroy, as he had destroyed all others before. 

Thus began the immense droughts, which killed the animals that were hunted, and when sustenance became scarce, new sources must be found. And so as all previous species that had come before them, there were two choices, to either turn to cannibalism, abolish all collectivism, and embrace the longer-lasting of the individual, or to change environment, and be crippled by the unfamiliar forces that would overwhelm, for the species had been designed for one environment, and so could only survive in that environment or any miraculously similar ones. And so Man, or this early Man, although it had not even begun the construction of its crude city-states, had this instinct of strength in number, in role, in specialization.

And so Man, like half of the species before it, moved, and he moved northwards. And so Man moved. He found himself in this great jungle of life, where water and food was plenty, however it was shelter and an absolute lack of natural cooperation which were the new poisons. And unlike a great desert, where the ecosystem of the life forms produced sustenance from one another, there was hardly any bond between species, and there was no mercy or respite, for now the killers of the desert had been replaced with their organic forms. But in this case Man was the exception. For no longer were clay pots built to store water, or fur-skins cut from to conserve heat, but torches of fire and flame cut through wild muscle and venom, and arrows and spears of poison hunted down the swiftness and form of the prey. And it was this first act of heresy, of unnaturalism, that was unforeseen by the primordial, divine force of Tharizdun, that first drove the world off its natural course.

Man came, Man destroyed, and Man built. Man made his own constructs; he made tools. Of course, many animals before Man had also used simple sticks for sucking ants, small rocks for cracking nuts, and the materials of the environment for the purpose of shelter, however, these were all programmed, prewritten creations, as natural to one as a horse knows how to run; there is no teaching. Man made the fire that burned down forests, Man made the art that sprawled across caves-even in this weak, primal form, Man was the bane of nature.And so, in the jealousy and need to secure dominance of Tharizdun, he plotted to destroy this foul specimen. Tharizdun manifested himself, and implanted greater seeds of greed, individualism, love of power, and pride into Man. Through his vision, this surely would lead Man to suffocate, inflated by his own flaws, until the ripping had begun and he was no more.And through these new qualities given to Man lead to select breeding amongst groups. And as the foul virus continued to rise, it began to diverge, separate itself, until there was distance, and the proto-concept of national pride had been created. For these were the first races: the species of Man.And these proto-nations, these races of Man divided themselves, for Man had grown too far, too large, and to his eyes there was no equal, no powerful being in the hiding of Tharizdun to match him. Man divided itself into not one but a multitude of entities, of individuals, tribes, families, who pledged their loyalty not to the human race itself but to their kin, and so as they believed they were above all others, thus came the First War.But although millions fell, through the gory conquests of warmongering pride, confused vengeance, and fanaticism of morals, one species rose from the masses of corpses, and became the new Man. And this new man differentiated himself from the previous, for he was the survivor, the warrior, the caretaker, the leader-he had stolen the gifts of others and combined them into one. And he, in this sense, was Man's greatest creation. He became known as the Wise Man. And he spread like a flame roasting a log, like the locust through the harvest, for he was now the maker of fate, and he would become the usurper.

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