Chapter 20

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I wake up to hearing a loud beeping sound come from the night stand to the right of me. I turn the lamp on to see an alarm clock right next to the lamp. I press the off button on it and climb out of bed.
I automatically think to go to the kitchen.
I open my door and can tell that someone was up and making breakfast. I walk out into the kitchen to see Dad cooking bacon and pancakes.
"Hey boo! You're up early!" he says too loud.
"What time is it?" I ask and then yawn.
"5:30, and your school doesn't start until 7:00," he answers.
"Who set the alarm in my room?" I ask.
"Me," a voice from the hall calls. It was Danny. Of course it was Danny. "I didn't want you to be late."
"Dude, really! I only take an hour to get ready!" I complain, "I could have gotten another 30 minutes of sleep."
"Oh well, and we can get to school early to where you can get all of the stuff you need," he explains.
"I'm going get ready," I say. Then start to walk to my bedroom, but stop and grab a piece of bacon. And then I go into my room munching on the bacon.
I take a quick shower without washing my hair and change into a pair of jeans and a random t-shirt from my closet. I straighten my hair and decide to leave it down. I put on socks and sneakers.
Then I go back into the kitchen to eat breakfast.
"You're going to need a jacket," my brother says after we finish breakfast.
"Why?" I reply.
"It's freezing," he says.
"Okay, but my jacket that I use all of the time is in the village," I say.
"I got you a new one," my dad says.
"From where?" I ask.
"Fern," he replies.
"Okay. Where is it?" I ask.
Dad going into a closet, that was in the living room, that I hadn't noticed before. "Here it is," he says while pulling out a fuzzy, light gray jacket.
"Wow, it's so soft," I say after taking it and putting it on me.
"Well we better get going," Danny says.
"Okay," I say, "Bye dad. See you after school."
"Bye you guys," Dad says.
Danny says, "Bye dad."
Then we walk out of the door to an unexpected gust of wind.
"Woah," I say, "Is it always this windy?"
"No," he replies, "Come on we are gonna be late."
"Okay," I say as we start to walk faster so we won't "be late."
We walk into the building that Clay pointed out to me yesterday and a wave of warn air washes over us. Danny takes off his jacket, and I do as well.
"Our classroom is right over here," Danny stated.
"Okay," I reply. We walk towards and into the classroom, and when we do, everyone turns our way.
"You're late," the woman, that I suppose is the teacher, says, "Who's that, Danny?"
"My - ," he started to say, but I cut him off.
"My name is Sarah Mathews," I announce to the entire class. A bunch of people start whispering.
The teacher shouted, "If you don't stop talking, I'll hold you in for recess!"
The entire class fell silent.
"Now, I assume that you two," she says pointing to Danny and I, "are brother and sister."
"Yeah," we say at the same time.
"Well, I'm glad you decided to come here. My name is Mrs. Harris," Mrs. Harris said, "Danny take your seat. And Sarah, here is your books and binders. You can sit at the table that Clay is sitting at. Clay, raise your hand."
Clay raised his hand even though he didn't need too.
"Thank you," I responded to Mrs. Harris. I made my way through the chairs and tables, until I got to the table that Clay, Fern, and a girl that I didn't were sitting at.
"Hi," I whispered to my friends and the girl with long black hair.
"My name is Charlotte," the other girl whispered.
"Cool name. I would say mine, but you know it already," I whispered back.
Clay quickly helped me get my books and binders organized while the teacher was saying something to do with math.
Once everything was organized, I was actually starting to pay attention. But that's when a bell rang for about 5 seconds.
"Okay students you can go on a short break, go to the bathroom, then come back," the teacher announced.
Everyone got up except for my table. I didn't have to use the bathroom, but I didn't know about them.
"You guys can go to the bathroom if you need to, I'll be fine by myself," I said to my table.
"No one really goes to the bathroom. They just go out to the hall to talk," Fern said.
"Oh okay," I say.
"So you're new here, and we don't get a lot of new people here. So what happened to make you come here?" Charlotte asked.
"Charlotte, don't-" Clay started to say.
But I interrupted, "It's just that it's a very long story that I would rather not talk about, but yeah, now I'm here."
"Okay I get it," Charlotte said.
"Thanks," I smiled.
A few seconds later the bell rang again, and the other student came flooding in.
"Now settle down," Mrs. Harris says, "To get back to the lesson."

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