Chapter 11

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A few hours later I hear a noise from the opposite side of the house.

"Hello?" I ask. No response. I decide to go out of my room to find the noisemaker. When it is night time, my house is pitch black. I start walking towards the noise. It was coming from either Danny's room, the kitchen, or the living room. I started to go into Danny's room when I heard two pans being bumped together and then a quiet gasp. What in the world was this person trying to do?

"Hey, I know you're there," I say.

I hear someone that was breathing loudly and they try to quiet their breathing. Then I hear footsteps heading to the front door. No way a person would break in, hear me, and then leave just like that.

The person started walking faster, so I advanced on him/her quickly. Once they got out of my house, he/she paused for a moment and I could see the figure better. Better enough to know it was a boy about my age. The boy ran strait out of my front yard, over the dirt road, and skidded to a stop right before he went in the woods. I kept up for most of the run, but I almost ran into him when he stopped.
"Who are you?" I demanded this time, barely keeping my breathing under control.
No response. Just heavy breathing slowly calming down as the minutes ticked by. He was still facing the woods when he said, "My name is..."

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