Mr and Mr Malik - Payne

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It is a beautiful day the dappled sun shone through the trees, The blue sky was dotted with fluffy white clouds that drifted lazily in the gentle breeze. It was like the weather was celebrating this day in their own way.

Liam was behind the big mahagony doors on one side with harry dressed to crisp in a baby blue suit running around trying to make sure everything is perfect.
Liam was dressed in a white and black tux completed with a flower brotch.

Liam took a deep breath and with Harrys' hand in his and the support and pride shining through harrys' dimpled smile they started walking out from behind the doors just as 'until I found you' started playing.

The first thing he sees when he is outside is harry beaming at someone across from them and looks to find louis with his heart eyes staring fondly at harry.
Turning his eyes to the right of Louis, Liam looks into his favourite pair of eyes, the same pair he first saw when he was 15 waiting for his mcdonalds order to come through, belonging to the one person Liam has called his home from the past 10 years, Zayn.

Walking from the opposite directions Zayn and Liam reach the aisle, for the moment they have been planning for since the last 6 months with endless planning, picking out of every little detail,with few arguments and endless cuddles after that.

Its their wedding day!

Eyes still locked they both reached the altar zayn extending his hand for Liam to take and who was Liam not to accept it in a second.

'Hey' whispered zayn smiling that beautiful smile Liam loved the most.
The little whisper sent comfort and electricity running through Liams' body.
Squeezing zayns hand Liam whispered 'Hi'

Before they could say anything else, the music came to an end and pastor started speaking.
Niall, Louis and Harry all standing on two sides beaming at them with so much love.

Looking at each other eyes they forgot the crowd sitting there,the pastor speaking all they could focus on was their hands secured tightly around each others and the love present in their eyes for the other.
They were in their own safe world until Niall came and placed their rings in their hands.
It was the time for their vows.

Zayn started with a squeeze to liams' hand that said that this was a promise.

"Liam the day I saw you at the mcdonalds I never knew we would ever meet again let alone I will be marrying you. The person who has been my anchor, my strength. The boy who took my breath away the moment I saw you with the justin bieber haistyle and the left cheek dimple. The crinkles in your eyes when you smile, the arms that hold me everytime i feel low, the soft forehead kisses you always give me are my home. You are my home, jaan. I loved you since we were 18 and promise to love you till the sun shining in the world ."

With this Zayn slid the ring on Liams' hand with a teary eyed smile.

Liam who could not control his tears after hearing every word coming out of zayns mouth was smiling so big that his eyes nearly disappeared, He started.

"Zayn even though I didn't understand it before I kind of always knew that you were the only one my heart belonged to, The shy boy who always made me laugh, read me comics, drew me my favourite heroes, always looked out for me, held me when i was falling apart, shielded me from the world with the special smile you always reserved for me. I promise to share all your smiles, your tears, your success and your failures with you forever. For the rest of your life, For the rest of mine, for the rest of ours."

Slipping the ring on Zayns'  finger Liam traced the words of promise Zayn had carved on his ring 'Right next to you, jaan' and knew Zayn was tracing the words liam had carved for him on his ring 'My soul provider'

After some more words from the pastor and the 'I do's' from both of them came the final words from the pastor

'I now pronounce you husband and husband, you may kiss each other'

Looking at each other they leaned closer, where everyone was waiting for them and looking at them they had eyes only for each other and shared the softest kiss they had ever shared with love, passion and pride, that reminded Liam of the first one they had shared all those years ago with the whispered 'come on then come on' from zayn. Breaking the kiss zayn smirked and said "Happy Marriage, Mr Malik-Payne" and those words sent liams' heart into a row of summersaults.

Turning from each other the last thing they saw before being squeezed in a group hug from Louis, Niall and Harry were the happy and smiley faces of their families and friends!

It was after the ceremony was over, the pictures had been clicked. It was the time for their first dance as a martied couple. Gosh just hearing married couple turns Liam into a human tomato.

As they stepped onto the dance floor the speakers started playing 'you and I' courtesy of the Louis Tomlinson.

I figured it out
I figured it out from black and white

Hearing those words that they had written so many years ago waiting for the time it came true but now being in Zayns arms with his head on Zayns shoulder and Zayn slowly whispering the lyrics in Liams ears they did it. The whispered 'I love you jaan' from Zayn in between the dance and Liams reply of 'I love you too husband' showed him that they really figured it out through all the problems, fights, stunts and every other thing the management threw at them.

Looking around from seeing Harry and Louis dancing together and Harry tripping over his feet and louis catching him from falling to Niall just laughing and mingling with guests with his hand in Shawns and shawn just admiring Niall with a smile, He knows they all figured it out and he couldn't be more proud.


After hours of mingling, chatting, dancing and jokes with Zayn by his side with hands joined and shared smiles throughout the night it was late and the five of them were sitting around together in a circle with shawn and lewis chatting by the bar. Just basking in the events of the day and having little chatter here and there. Liam looks at every one of them , his brothers and see the 5 teenage boys with dreams in their eyes of becoming something big and looking at his husband by his side with them he knows that all his dreams have come true.

He was Liam James Malik Payne the husband ( well jaan as he would say it ) of Zayn Javaad Malik Payne and he couldn't have been happier about the journey they have had.

Authors note
This is a small one shot of how i imagine Liam and Zayns wedding dqy to be. Something I wanted to write.

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