Tori and Michael

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This was written by @WeekndDump  <3

Michael: Hey Tori <3

Tori: Heeey, whats up?

Michael: So there is this new disney movie out on disney+ , i wondered if you would like to watch it with me this saturday?

Tori: I think you should know by now that I'm not a fan of disney films. And I'm going out with Becky. Sorry not sorry

Michael: Why so ruuude? Btw have you talked to Lukas?

Tori: No i haven't seen him, and i don't want to send him a massage bc it feels kinda stupid to do that ya know /:

Michael: A little change of subject but i've read out one of you dads books, should i come and return it maybe?

Tori: The boring one with the geography man and his "crazy" story?

Michael: Yes but it's definitely not boring, anyways can i come?

Tori: Fine, Olly is asleep but make it quick!!!!!! Call me!!!!

Michael: That's a lot of exclamation marks, you exited to hear from me or something...

Tori: Shut up.

(Michael starts a videocall: 10.10 pm)

(Michael ends videocall: 10.20 pm)

Tori: Hey why'd you hang up?

Michael: I'm right outside of your house dump ass

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