3. h. kokonoi as your boyfriend

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WELL ANYWAYS we have the wonderful rich ass pretty boy as our topic of this chapter today. <3

alrighty... lets get into it with
          this sugar daddy 😝 as your boyfriend~

-will spoil you literally 24/7. all for you. LITERALLY

-would love to take you out to eat and take you out like basically whenever y'all both get the time

-i would imagine he would actually be the type to give you a lot of your privacy and would be scared to be touchy with you

-is the type to maybe do your makeup and hair whenever y'all go out. i mean this guy is probably talented in doing so. you would always ask him to do it

-talks about inui (y'all would literally always laugh and giggle at the funny pics koko has of him)

-lots of comfort and pampering when your sad, hangover, frustrated. he'll literally do anything

-i love you texts in the morning, evening and night

-would live to see you in designer clothes that he bought

-you guys would literally go on trips all around the world. wanna go to the Philippines? you name it. what about Bahamas? you name it. oooo or what about Mexico? literally anywhere you wanna go, he'll take you

-definitely would go to the club with you lmfao.

-he actually stays sober most of the time cause someone at least has to drive home right? and he has to be sober enough to at least call a taxi if he dont feel like driving

-u would literally always listen to him talk about finance, economics, and his ideas. literally when u listen, it makes him happy asf and will rabble on more

-he would like for you to play with his hair

-always giving you gifts like everyday because he wants to express how much he loves you by giving and spoiling you

-will literally learn and catch on quickly on what your mood is and what your favorite things are. And def what you hate

-rich husband vibes 😍🥰😈

-opens the door, and slides the chair open for you to sit. literally you can be 5 centimeters away from the door and he would literally stop you in your tracks to open the door

-literally just treats you like a queen in general everyday

alright im tired rn. literally today and friday i had a huge ass aura migraine that hurt like hell. luckily today it wasn't as bad but anyways! comment on who i should do next?! okay? bye-bye!!


tokyo revengers headcannons! fem reader. p.s im finally doing this bsWhere stories live. Discover now