A Visitor In Paris

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"So where are we going to play?"

"Well, it'll definitely be someplace new this time."

"So we're not going to Alya and the twins' apartment either?"

"Alya and her family are on vacation in Mexico this week. So...I hope you like music, because we're going to a place that's filled with all kinds of musical fun."

"Yay! I love music!"

Marinette chuckled, feeling relieved. She was babysitting her young friend, Manon Chamack, today, while her mother helped a friend at work with something. They had originally planned to hang out at Marinette's apartment, but since it had caught on fire after an oven accident, the place was closed down for repairs, and the Dupain-Chengs had to stay at the Le Grand Paris hotel until the repairs were finished. Since the hotel also happened to be the permanent residence of Chloe Bourgeois, Marinette's spoiled rival, the girl had had no choice but to contact her friends (with the obvious exception of Alya) and ask if they could go to one of their homes instead.

Finding a new place to hang out at the last minute hadn't been an easy task. Alix and Mylène both said no because they each had plans already, and Rose couldn't say yes, since she'd been hospitalized an hour ago due to her chronic illness. Juleka wouldn't be home either because she wanted to go support Rose, but nevertheless, she'd agreed to let Marinette and Manon hang out at her houseboat. Juleka's mother and brother didn't have any plans (at least, none that involved leaving their ship) for today, so they would be home.

As Marinette used a bike to ride to the Seine, with Manon relaxing in the burley trailer attached to the back, the duo began a conversation together. Marinette told Manon a bit about the place they were going, claiming Juleka's brother Luka was a handsome prince and their mother Anarka was a friendly pirate. A fascinated Manon then asked if she would get to see some gold treasure when they got to the right place, to which Marinette said no. "You'll get to see a lot of instruments, though," she added. "Luka loves making instruments, and I'm sure he won't mind if you play one of them."

"I'll get to play an instrument made by a prince?" Manon exclaimed in excitement, and Marinette half-wished she hadn't said anything. When Manon got excited, sometimes it was a warning for whoever was supervising her to watch out. As many people in Paris knew, Manon was one of the most mischievous little kids in town; even when she wasn't under the influence of an akuma.

They reached a curb, and Marinette turned to the right, instructing Manon to hold on as she did. As they finished the turn and continued heading straight, a nearby woman saw them passing by and rushed after them. "Wait," she called, "wait!"

Marinette slammed on the brakes. "What's wrong, ma'am?" she asked.

"I just thought I should warn you. Some strange...life-sized doll, I guess...just came up out of nowhere and tried to kiss me! I think it was probably a sentimonster."

Marinette froze at the news. "What did it look like?"

"Trust me," said the woman. "You'll know it's her when you see her." And with that, she ran off to go warn other people passing by about the sentimonster.

Marinette continued heading for the Seine, and Manon peered through the trailer's window at the scared woman. "Why do you think that sentimonster would try to kiss her, Marinette?"

"Oh, I don't know," her babysitter replied. "It might be Zombizou, but...why would she be referred to as a life-sized doll sentimonster? She's clearly a human being who lives in Paris, just like you and me!"

"Maybe it's not a villain at all. Maybe it's one of those creatures from that far away garden Mommy told me about."

Marinette snickered. "Far away garden? When did you hear about that?"

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