The Only Upsy One

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The chase between Kissy Daisy and King Monkey continued, with Ladybug, Vesperia, and Ryuko only able to watch helplessly and kiss their surroundings. However, King Monkey's detransformation timer wasn't making things any easier for him, and soon he only had one minute left before he would need to transform back. When his Miraculous beeped to signal this, Kissy Daisy realized what it meant at the same time as he did and glanced around, thinking quickly. Realizing she was near Ladybug (whose detransformation timer beeped at that moment to tell her she only had two minutes), she grabbed her yoyo and threw its string forward before King Monkey could jump away. He tripped over it and fell down, and Kissy jumped on top of him, preventing him from escaping.

King Monkey immediately got nervous. "Uh, sorry to break it to you, but I only like kisses when they don't come from bad guys."

"Kissy Daisy," said Kissy Daisy, rolling her eyes. She bent down and started to kiss him, when suddenly a voice behind them yelled, "Hi Kissy Daisy! I'll let you kiss me instead, but first my friends and I wanna sing to you!"

Unable to resist the temptation, Kissy Daisy got off of King Monkey (who, along with Ladybug, ran off to detransform once she did so) and turned around to find Igglepiggle standing there, happily gesturing towards Luka, Manon, Mr. Ramier, and the pigeons, who were standing (or fluttering) next to him. Manon, who had taken Ladybug's microphone and brought it here with her, waved in a friendly way while Luka and Mr. Ramier gestured to the pigeons, who then began to chirp a beautiful tune together. One pigeon, however, wasn't with the rest of the flock: Edgar. While the other birds began playing the song's instrumental part, he had flown towards Ryuko and Vesperia to gesture to them, and then toward Kissy Daisy's ripcord. The two heroines were confused at first, but they quickly got the message and, doing all they could to resist their kissing urges, noiselessly snuck toward the villain.

While Vesperia and Ryuko approached, Luka, Manon, and Mr. Ramier began to sing while Igglepiggle danced. "Upsy Daisy, here I come! I'm the only upsy one!"

As they sang (and as the microphone dissolved, meaning Ladybug was transforming back), Vesperia gently placed her hand on the ripcord and glanced at Ryuko, who nodded and picked up her sword. Unable to stop kissing the ripcord's circular part, Vesperia began to pull it backwards. Thankfully, Kissy Daisy was too distracted by the song to notice this and just danced to it, forgetting about Shadow Moth and the heroes for a moment. Ryuko watched the spectacle in awe as everything happened step by step; this song in particular had to be a very special song in Kissy Daisy's perspective if it was distracting her so easily.

Manon's group kept on singing. "I'm the only daisy too!"

Vesperia had now pulled the ripcord back by two inches. She nodded to Ryuko, who kissed her sword, then raised it above her head and brought the blade down on the ripcord's string, slicing it in half.

"Ipsy, upsy, daisy doo!"

The pigeons chirped some more, and with that, the song was over. The akuma flew out of the ripcord's sliced string, and Kissy Daisy instantly became dazed and fell backward, black and purple smoke engulfing her body. Vesperia caught her (and kissed her hair) as she fell, and the smoke cleared away, revealing a now-back-to-normal but also unconscious Upsy Daisy. Once he saw she was herself again, Igglepiggle rushed forward and took Upsy in his arms, silently trying to get her to wake up.

"Quick!" Manon cried. "Someone stop the akuma!"


Everyone spun around, startled. Cat Noir had finally shown up, and he was leaping into the air, using his cataclysm-energized hand to touch the akuma, which instantly crumbled into dust. He then landed stylishly on his feet and with a charming smile he asked, "I didn't miss too much, did I?"

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