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The boys looked around and Reggie asked, "Where are we?"

Luke shook his head. "I don't know."

Alex sniffled and dried his eyes. He wouldn't cry, despite how much he wanted to.

The boys turned as a whoosh sounded and Luke' eyes widened. "Christine? I never thought I'd see you again!"

The brunette waved. "Hey, Luke. Hi, Reggie, Alex. Do you three need the talk or do you understand what happened?"

Reggie met her eyes. "Well, all we remember is a lot of things coming out... Of both ends."

Christine grimaced. "Yeah, Reg, that's too much information."

Alex shot Reggie a look. "That disgusting information aside, we were dizzy and felt really sick, like our temperatures were super high. And then, it was over."

Reggie nodded. "We floated out of the ambulance and ended up here."

"Where is here?" Luke wondered.

Christine shrugged. "Basically just a black void where people go when they die. I periodically came here when I wasn't looking after you three."

"So how do we get out of here?" Alex asked.

"Usually someone has to summon you out. Unless you find a way out yourselves." A quiet sniffle caught her attention. "Alex, are you crying?"

Alex shook his head and dried his eyes. "What? No."

"You have nothing to be ashamed of crying. Being dead isn't exactly the greatest thing, but it can be fun. It really depends what you make of it."

Alex nodded slowly, still sniffling. "Thanks, Christine."

She smiled. "You're welcome. It'll get easier in time."

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