[The Other Side of Hollywood]

The four stood while they waited for Willie.

"I don't know about this," Reggie said as Christine's grip on Luke's hand tightened.

Christine nodded. "Me neither."

Alex glanced at them. "Well, if you two get scared, you can hide behind me. I'll be hiding behind Luke." He moved to do so.

"I'll hide behind Luke as well," Christine said as she ducked behind Alex behind Luke.

Luke glanced at his bandmates. "You three need to grow up if we're gonna get back at Bobby. He needs to pay for what he did to us. Christine you can keep hiding behind me. I'll keep you safe."

Christine nodded slowly. "Remember, we do need to figure out how we're going to get back at Bobby. But we only have an hour, remember. We can't forget Julie's dance."

"I'm still gonna hide behind him," Alex whispered.

"We're all good," Willie told them.

"Oh, cool. We have an hour, 'cause we have a gig with Julie."

Willie nodded. "Oh yeah, no worries! Let's go."

As they walked through the club, Willie said, "Normally, I'd have my deck and I'd backboard this heavy 20 set, but tonight we have company!"

Christine frowned. "I really hate not understanding words."

"Hope you guys are ready for this!" Willie told them as he slid down the staircase railing. "Whoo!" He gestured to the club.

"Wow!" Alex said. "Are you guys seeing what I'm seeing?"

Luke pulled at his over shirt before saying, "I think we're a little overdressed."

"Hmm," Reggie and Christine hummed as the latter smiled at Luke.

The four walked down the stairs and looked at people.

"It it terrific," a woman said as she and a man walked through the ghosts.

Reggie frowned as a couple walked through them and said, "Whoa. I thought all these people were all gonna be ghosts."

"These are all lifers," Willie explained.

"Oh, uh, lifers are actually..." Alex began.

Reggie cut the drummer off with a finger. "Alive people. I was listening."

Willie continued. "But this is a very exclusive crowd. Everybody here has, uh, paid a lot to get a sneak peek at the afterlife."

"I always knew rich people did weird stuff like this."

Christine nodded. "I did, too."

A waiter walked up to them. "Gentlemen, lady, I have a table for you. Right this way."

The waiter brought them to a table and they all sat and looked around.

"William," the waiter said, removing the name card.

"Oh yeah," Willie replied. "Thanks, man." The waiter walked away.

"Okay, so who's gonna make us visible so we can confront our old bandmate?" Luke asked.

"Oh, no. None of these lifers have the power to do that," Willie replied as the lights dimmed. "Oh, but here comes the ghost who can."

A man said, "Ladies and gentlemen, back by popular demand, please welcome Caleb Covington!"

A purple dust, followed by a floating man, appeared.

The crowd cheered as the man asked, "Did you miss me?"

"Yeah!" the crowed exclaimed.

"I did too!" Caleb said. "Welcome to the party of your dreams! From the Egyptians to the druids, to the person sitting next to you, we've all wondered, where do we go when our final light is snuffed out? Allow me to show you."

The ghosts shared a look.

Caleb began singing as he floated closer to the audience.

The four bandmates sat in their seats as they watched Caleb's performance.

Multiple people in costumes, feathers, glitter, and other props appeared and the crowd gasped. A band played as people danced. Christine tilted her head as she looked at the costumes. The women were in flapper dresses. She'd always liked with the flapper look, and had even dressed as a flapper once or twice for Halloween before her untimely death.

Men in pink suits circled Caleb as Luke and Christine looked at the cake in awe, before the latter's gaze fell. The four looked at everyone dancing, completely engrossed in the sights before their eyes.

Caleb pulled up their table cover to reveal a woman in a short performance skirt. Reggie grinned. The woman stepped off the table.

A woman appeared on a hoop and hung. Reggie stood and Luke and Alex pulled him down.

They watched the dancers spinning chairs.

Caleb continued singing as a black sheet was lifted in front of him.

The women on either side of him waved at the audience and dropped the sheet as Caleb disappeared. The audience stood and cheered. Reggie sat in his chair with dropped jaws. Luke, Christine and Alex pulled him up as they clapped.

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