Chapter 2(weakest child)

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We all know that being the weakest child it's not an easy task to survive in school full of bully.

As being the weakest one it was not an easy task for me to survive in that school I got bullied by the rich kids, punishment from teachers, being a disappointment for parents. That year was hard but still I made it . All my parents hope made a quick downfall after analysing my report card .

Anyways they accepted they don't have any other option either so frustrating right,  for my parents not for me because at that time I was quite young and anything was fine for me.

Everyday I was scared to go to school scared of teachers ,scared of students, scared of everything around even my own existence was scaring me. I always thought am I even required in this world full of intelligent people might sound funny but for me it was depressing so depressing.

I was a scared child .

Everyday something bad used to happen to me that I got scared to core that before sleeping and after waking up I used to pray to God "Please God !May my today be a good day"

I used to chant this like mantra on daily basis like from the age of Eight for even still  today I chant this .

Anyways let's get to the point school life so I have given an overview of how bad my school life was.

Being an introvert, depressed, scared,  insecure, unconfident, stupid child my school life was no fun.

I never had so many friends was never able to keep friendships or nobody really wanted to befriend me.

I think it will be complicated to talk about my school friends because even I was never able to understand them.

Let us keep it simple I have nothing to say about my school friends.
Not even a word.

As we say the first step is hardest.

After  Six years of struggle I made a progress so do my report card.

And that was the end of the chapter weakest child because I was no more a weakest one.
My post was take by someone else.

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