Chapter 3

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Kacey's p.o.v. :

I'm woken up by alarm blaring. I go to reach my phone to turn it off but am stopped by Ellie who is in the was of me reaching.

As I'm struggling to reach my phone, I accidentally wake her up in the process.

"Shit, sorry El" I say finally getting to my alarm and shutting it off

"What time is it?" she asked groggily

"Seven" I said and rolled out of bed "I have an eight o'clock class this morning" I walked over to my desk, getting my jeans and hoodie I had picked out last night. I walked to the bathroom glancing back my now girlfriend seeing that she had already fallen back asleep. Something I admire about her, she can wake up, have a whole conversation, and be back asleep in seconds. I smile and walk in the bathroom starting a warm shower, getting in and washing my dirty hair.

After I showered, brushed my teeth, and got dressed it was about seven-thirty so I needed to head out.

"I'm headed out, love" I bent down and whispered to Ellie and gave her a kiss on the head. I grabbed my bag and coffee, then headed to my first class of the day.

My first class of the day was American Literature until nine o'clock, Creative Writing from nine-fifteen until ten-fifteen, Music History from ten-thirty to eleven-thirty, then I had a munch break so I headed to the cafeteria. I grabbed a sandwich and a soda before heading back to the dorm. Ellie's first class was at eleven-forty so I had the place to myself until she was out. My last class, Composition of Music, wasn't until four o'clock in the afternoon so I had a pretty wide break.

I had eaten my sandwich and was now continuing to read my 'Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban' book for probably the thousandth time, its my favorite.

I turned the page to the tenth chapter of my book I heard the door open and by beautiful and exhausted girlfriend walked through the door

"Hi" she said tiredly flopping on her bed

"Hello gorgeous" I said checking the time: three o'clock

I get up and step toward her bed leaning down "Are you going to survive, love?"

"No" she wined "I'm dropping out"

"Me too" I agreed "I have my last class at four"

"Let's just drop out" she lifted her head

"Love, it's only the first day" I tried to reason "You want to be a teacher, you have to graduate to get there"

"True" she thankfully agreed

"I on the other hand just want the fancy degree so people hire me" I laughed and she laughed lightly along side me

I got up and grabbed my bag "I'll see you in a bit, love ya" I walked out the door hearing her say "Love you too, K"

I started walking across campus to my Composition of Music class and sat down waiting on class to start when I arrived.

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