A new mission...

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08:51 a.m. , Asgard

I wake up on a normal morning, under my linen sheets, with my head softly pressed on my pillow. When not long after I had woken up, my door to my bedroom opens, I hear a few big, heavy steps enter my room and slowly walking up to my bed.

'Y/n, are you awake?' A soft whisper asks. I know it's Thor because of his gravelly voice. I turn to him as he looks at me with serious eyes. 'What is wrong brother?' 'Father wants to see you. He has an announcement to make to the three of us. So get dressed quickly.'.

I get up, Thor steps out of my room and waits next to the door. I begin to dress myself into my armour, step out of my room. And walk with my brother to our father's throne.

'My Sons and Daughter, I have called you here today to report that you have a new mission. My Sons, I trust you to looks after y/n, if something bad happens to her, you will be responsible for this, and will be punished for this.'

'Father may I ask you something?'
'Yes, my dear.' 'Where is our mission?' 'The mission is on Earth you will be fighting with a group of warriors called The Avengers. Your brothers are familiar with them. Your mission will start in an hour.'

I walk back to my room with my head filled with thoughts. I am in my room and mother comes in. 'Are you alright my darling, you seem quite stressed.' 'No actually, I don't think I can do the mission on Earth. I'm not strong enough, I'm not like my brothers.'

Thor overhears the conversation with mother in the hallway. 'Y/n my dear, I've seen you train and work hard every day.'

'But they have fought against hundreds of enemies or even thousands. Who have I fought? Maybe ten or twenty enemies? I am not worthy and I will never be.' I say while walking over to my bed, then sitting down slowly, with tears building up in my eyes. She goes to sit next to me.

'You are very brave my daugther, it doesn't matter how many you've fought it matters how many you can and dare to fight. You are ready for this mission.' Thor walks in.

Mother's right, you are ready to do this mission. And we will protect you, keep an eye on you, so you don't get injured. Everything will be okay.'

'That's right. You are going to do well, I know it. ' she wipes the tears of my cheeks. 'Your brothers will protect you.' Frigga says while giving a little smile at Thor. 'Now go embrace your brother.' I stand up and give Thor a hug.

He whispers in your ear 'You don't need to be afraid, I'm always going to be there.' I nod, and look at mother 'I'll see you soon, mother.' She smiles.

Half an hour later.

We've arrived at the bifrost. 'It is your first time, yes? I nod yes. 'Is it going to hurt, Heimdall?' 'No, not at all, it is a bit strange the first time. But you will get used to it.'

Heimdall picks up the sword and puts it in the holder, electric vines shoot out of the holder and they fill the room with light, it spreads almost like an Ivy plant. And then in a blink of an eye you shoot through space.

Arriving on Earth. Next to the Avengers compound. 'Y/n, are you alright?' Loki asks with a soft grin spreeding on his face 'Just g-give me a second.'

'So is this it?' I ask. 'Yes, it looks boring on the outside but trust me it's worth it.' we walk in.

Tony walks up to you. 'You must be our new one I'm Tony, Tony Stark. And you are Y/n Odinsdottir?' 'Yes, sir.' I shake his hand 'Please say Tony.'

'You should come meet the others.' We walk through the halls of the building. I see new technology everywhere. I know a few things because Loki and Thor explained it to me, from their times on earth.

Everyone is sitting in the lounge. I feel all their eyes staring at me. I look down at the ground. 'Everyone this is Y/n Odinsdottir.' everybody introduces themselves to me, they say their name and what powers and skills they have.'

Tony continuous 'She's going to be here for a few years. So make her feel like she's at home.'

My eyebrows frown as I turn around facing my brothers, I whisper 'Mother said a few months, not a few years!' 'If you want to prove yourself to father you'll have to stay longer than a few months.' ' Well fuck you.'

I walk away irritated, because my brothers didn't tell me anything. I run to the woods next to the compound. 'Y/n, come back!' Thor shouts while running after me.

I hear branches snap behind me, I'm sitting against a tree. Thor comes to sit next to me. I look at him 'Why didn't you tell me we where going to be here for several years?' I ask angrily.

'Because otherwise you wouldn't have come with us.' 'What if something bad happens to Mother and Father?

'There's nothing going to happen to them.' 'If you two said we were going for years I would've said a proper goodbye to mother and father.'

'Y/n, you know heimdall has inherited his father's all bearing sight and hearing.' I nod yes. 'Well I can speak to him, I can see through his eyes. I can teach you how to do that, to ask how the situation is in Asgard.'

'You want to learn it or do you want to improve your fighting skills?' 'Alright, but if something happens to them it's on you.'

'You're lucky I know where your room is. Ow... and Banner wanted to do some test on you, to check if your healthy.' 'Okay.' We walk back into the compound, straight to my room.

I open my new closet 'Are these my new clothes?' 'Yes, they're all yours.' I take off my armour, while Thor's waiting outside, and lay it down on a chair next to my closet and then put on a pair of sweatpants and a big hoodie.

Thor tells me a lot of things about each and every room we pass on our way to Doctor Banner's lab.

We've finally arrived at his lab 'Y/n, nice to meet you I'm Bruce.' We shake hands. 'Please sit down on the table. Is there something I need to be aware of?' He looks at Thor. 'She has everything a goddess should have.' 'Okay, can I draw your blood?' 'Yes, sure.'

He rolls up the sleeve of your left arm, you feel the fabric of the hoodie sliding across your skin. 'Okay, here is the little sting.'
I try to distract myself from the needle in my arm, by looking at all the stuff around me.

'And we're done.' 'Thank you, dr. Banner.' He gives me a little smile 'The results should be there in the evening.'
'So what should I do now?.' I ask Thor. 'You can stay in your room 'till dinner and skip lunch, or just hang out with us.'

'The first option it is.' 'If you need me or Loki, ask Jarvis, Okay?' 'Okay. But who is Jarvis?

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