Oh y/n...

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2:36 p.m. Avengers Compound, Manhattan, New York City

Thor walks in the lounge 'She's staying in her room 'till dinner.' 'Okay, that's fine, is everything okay with her?' Natasha asks. 'Yes, the problem was that we didn't tell her we were going to be here for several years.'

I sit on my bed reading a book I found. It's raining outside, I find the rain quite comforting. It helps me to concentrate on my book.

After 2 hours
'I'm going to check on Y/n.' Steve said. He goes upstairs to my room. The door opens with a slight creak. He sees me sitting on my bed, with a book in my hand. He leans against the doorframe. 'Hey, are you alright?' I nod yes, still with my eyes on my book.

He comes closer to my bed and sits down. He notices I'm reading a book about him. 'Did it hurt?' I ask. He looks at me with confusion.

'The super soldier serum.' 'Yes, but not for long.' There's an awkward silence. 'I'm sorry about what happened, I shouldn't have walked away earlier.' 'It's okay, don't worry about it.'

'Can I ask you one more thing?' 'Sure.' 'Do you miss James?.' 'Yes...' he looks down at his hands, with a face filled with sadness 'He was always there for me, and we grew up together.

He takes the book out of my hands. 'Where did you get this?' 'From over there.' I point at my bookshelf.

He laughs a little. 'I wanted to asked if you were okay, after the things with your brothers.' 'Mhm.' I nod 'I'm scared and excited for this mission.' 'You don't have to be scared, we're here to protect you and you have powers yourself.' I look at him.

'I may be a godess but I don't have any powers. Which I find very strange, but that's besides the point.' 'Maybe they will develop during the mission, you never know.' 'I hope so...'

'I'm going to go back downstairs now, If you need to talk I am always there for you.'
'Thank you Steve.' He smiles softly.

6:24 p.m.

'Miss. Odinsdottir, dinner is ready.' 'Who said that?' 'I am Jarvis, an artificial intelligence created my Mr. Stark.' 'That's cool.'

I go downstairs, I'm a bit nervous, it feels like a have a lump in my throath. I walk to the table I sit down in between Natasha and Loki.

Everyone is talking and eating, meanwhile I have eaten a few things, and I'm poking my food around with my fork. Thor is telling about an intense mission.

Steve is watching me, I try to ignore him but even if I look at my plate I feel his eyes directly on me.

'Mr. Stark...' 'Call me Tony.' 'Tony, can I use your lab, I need to do some research?.' 'Sure, why not?' 'Thank you.'

I stand up and start walking very awkwardly to the lab.

I arrive at the lab. 'Wow, this is amazing.' From drawer to drawer I am looking for a notebook and a pen, after I finally find it I set myself down at a table with a computer and start searching things about Hydra.

11: 31 p.m.

I've been searching for hours, writing everything up, drawing sketches. My hand is tingeling.

00:04 a.m.

As I am searching Jarvis is helping me. I'm about to write something when my eyelids starts to feel heavy. My head tries to resist from falling asleep. There's a video still playing about Hydra, the sound of  talking in the background makes me even more tired. With my head in all my papers I drift off to sleep.

Thor comes to look for me since I'm not in my bedroom.

'Jarvis.' 'Yes, sir?' 'Where is y/n?' 'She is in the lab sir.'

He arrives at the lab and sees me asleep with my head on the table, papers on the ground and all around me. 'Oh, y/n...' he walks in 'Let's get you to bed.'

He picks me up and carries me to my bedroom, he lays me down very carefully on the bed trying not to wake me. He closes the curtains and lays the sheets over me.
While he walks to the door he looks back for a second, then he walks out and closes the door.

Thor's pov

'What is she doing?' He walks back. Papers on the ground on the table the video still playing. He stops the video and reads the papers. 'Hydra...'

Thor looks for Tony. 'Stark, you need to come see this.' Tony walks over to Thor 'Woah... Jarvis?' 'Yes, Sir?' 'Can you tell me Miss. Odinsdottir her search history.' she asked me to look up a video about Hydra experiments and Hydra in World War 2.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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