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Ariana woke up the next morning an hour ahead of schedule which was odd for her. She tried to go back to sleep but it just wouldn't come, so she climbed out of bed and got dressed, doing her hair half up, half down and did her makeup; a usual wing with rose gold eyeshadow.

Once she was ready she headed downstairs to get herself a bagel and cream cheese.

Her parents were already in the kitchen and were surprised to see her up so early. "Hi honey, what're you doing up so early?" her mother wondered. "Nothing, I tried to go back to sleep but it didn't work so here I am," she replied, getting a bagel from the bread drawer and cream cheese from the fridge.

"Listen," her father began but Joan stopped him. "Ariana, eat your food. We'll talk after you're done," Joan said, giving her husband a glare. "It's fine, mom. Just tell me whatever it is," she stated, already knowing what they wanted to say. "Okay. You know that kid we were looking at yesterday on the roster?" Ariana's father checked. Ariana nodded. "Okay well, your mother and I need to find out some things about his family and their history. Could you just hang out with him and get to know him on a personal level?" he asked. Ariana furrowed her eyebrows together and set her bagel down. "You guys think he's a vampire?" she looked between her two parents. "We don't know anything yet, Ariana. That's why you're essential to this," her mother confirmed. She nodded and finished off her bagel, getting a Naked juice from the fridge. "Okay, um, I'll see you later," she sighed as she grabbed her bag from the table and got into her car.

It was still 45 minutes before school started so Ariana drove to Vienna's.

As she arrived Vienna was already heading out the door to get into her car. She noticed Ariana in her car next to the curb. "Hey!" she greeted, sliding into the passenger seat. "Are you my ride today?" she smiled, poking Ariana's arm with her finger. "I am," she smiled back. "Why were you leaving so early anyway?" Vienna shrugged, "I wanted a Starbucks soooo can we stop?" she grinned and batted her eyelashes at her best friend. Ariana pretended to roll her eyes but then nodded.

They headed off to Starbucks and after they got their desired orders, headed to school. "Hey, so what were you saying about that Justin guy last night?" Vienna brought up, stirring her latte. "Oh, uh, I'm not entirely sure yet but my parents want me to talk to him and get to know him," Ariana informed her, peering over to see her friend's reaction.

"Why? They can't be worried about anything because you guys are the only vampires left here right?"

Ariana shrugged and pulled into her parking spot at school. "I'm not sure. They're being very discreet and quiet, not unusual but then again they've never wanted me to pretend being friends with someone, so they should be saying a little bit more right?" She asked, getting out of her car and locking the doors. Vienna walked side by side to Ariana and dumped her now empty drink in the trash can. "I don't know, I mean my parents are too involved in my life, so I don't know what it's like to have them not give me information. At the same time though I feel like they should give you more info, you know, like to go off of."

They walked to Vienna's locker first because her last name (Beio) came before Ariana's.

She grabbed a few books out of it and slammed it shut. "Don't need to be so harsh," Ariana kid. Vienna rolled her eyes and followed her best friend to her locker.

Ariana put some books away, grabbing different ones and studied the bare walls of her locker interior. "Have you decorated yours? I didn't look," Ariana asked. "Haven't gotten around to it. Free period has been spent watching Netflix so that explains why," Vienna laughed. "I just always decorate it and I'm not sure what I want to do this year. Is it weird to not even want to?" Vienna shook her head.

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