*Chapter 2*

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Sorry I haven't been updating, I have a TON of books I want to work on, but I can't find the time. Enjoy the chapter!

Serpentine placed Autumn on the soft snow, and went to help Rain.

The PetalWing was pulling on the giant ice black that Sunset was trapped in.

Serpentine swiped a knife like claw at it, shattering the small iceberg.

Sunset gasped dramatically, clutching her pendant.

Serpentine rolled his eyes, and Rain promptly swatted him. He was very tempted to hit her back. "Are you okay?" He said instead.

Sunset nodded, letting a little blush enter her cheeks.

Serpentine knew she liked him a tiny bit, and sooner or later he would have to tell her that he liked Autumn much more. Wait- Autumn! He rushed back over to the beautiful dragon.

She was shivering, and shuddered when she spoke. "S-so cold." She said.

Serpentine wrapped a wing around her smaller form. 

Autumn leaned into his scales, smiling slightly.

"Get up you two, we have to go find Azalea, remember?" Rain commanded, flicking her tail.

"And you're taking over being her?" Serpentine snapped.

Rain opened her mouth as if to argue back, thought better of it, and stormed away to lie down on a snowbank.

Serpentine snorted a burst of flame.

Rain hissed at him, lashing her tail.

Soon a fire was lit, and the dragons surrounded it, huddling for warmth.

Rain didn't want to sleep next to Serpentine (And neither did he), but obliged when Sunset sat next to her.

Sunset had the warmest scales of the group, seeming to radiate heat.

Serpentine tucked his tail in so nobody would step on it, shivering all the while. Something prodded him in the back. He opened one eye.

Sunset was standing over him, blushing fiercely. "We need to talk." She said.

"Can't we chat in the morning?" He asked.

Sunset nodded, looking hurt as she walked away.

He closed his eyes again and drifted off to sleep.

*                                                                                           *                                                                                      *

The alarm bell rung, and Copper shook Serpentine awake. "Hurry, an OceanWing is attacking the palace!" She said, sounding tense.

Serpentine sat up. "Where's Falcon?" He asked.

Falcon was his and Copper's best friend, who was both caring and funny.

"Already fighting." Said Copper grimly.

Serpentine nodded fearfully, and the two dashed out into the palace hallway. A tremor shook the building, making Serpentine lose his footing.

"Come on!" Said Copper urgently.

Both dragons flung themselves out the window, taking to the skies. They turned around to assess the situation.

An OceanWing half the size of the mountain screeched, blood pouring out of its eyes like a giant waterfall.

Serpentine froze in place.

"We have to help them." Copper said.

Serpentine stared blankly at the cloud of guard dragons swarming the sea monster.

"Serpentine?" Copper questioned.

The huge dragon was going to kill them, he just knew it. So he did the only thing left to do. He ran.

"SERPENTINE!" Copper screamed.

He began to descend, but all of a sudden cracks appeared in the ground, goring into the earth. Serpentine yelped, but couldn't fly away.

"COWARD!!!" The world seemed to scream as he was sucked into a massive dark crevice, falling forever.

He roared in fear, tears blocking his vision.

So now you know part of the reason why Serpentine is so grumpy! I will try to update, and sorry this was a short chapter.

Wings Of Fire Fanfiction: EarthquakesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora