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The Cherubs appear on a small, old-fashioned TV which zooms out onto the I.M.P headquarters. Blitzø blasts the TV with his flintlock pistol, and it explodes. "Nice one, B!" Millie said. "Gimme another, Mox" Blitzø said. Moxxie nervously sweeps away the flaming debris and puts another old-fashioned TV onto the stand. He turns it on with a scared look on his face. The 666-news logo appears. Blitzø pours gunpowder into his flintlock. all of a sudden, a portal appears behind them, revealing a glammed-out Minnie walking out of the portal as it closes behind her. "Hey guys! I'm back from my vacation!" Minnie said. Moxxie and Millie both look in her direction. "Sweetpea!" Millie said, "Minnie!" Moxxie said. They both ran over to her. and gave her the biggest kiss and hug. "I guess you guys missed me." Minnie said. "Of course we did!" Moxxie said as he kissed Minnie's hand. "I missed you guys too!" Minnie said while smiling and blushing. "You look beautiful, darlin'" Millie said. Minnie blushed deeply "O-Oh thanks!" Minnie said. "Welcome back munchkin'" Blitzø said. "It's glad to be back boss" Minnie said as she's getting up. Moxxie switches the channel. Wally wackford appears on the screen dressed in white with a black top hat, holding a cane. Wally Wackford: I say, I say, are you lookin' to get work making crazy contraptions and goofy gadgets? Wally whacks his cane on the wall at either side of him, producing the graphics for "CRAZY CONTRAPTIONS" and "GOOFY GADGETS" as he speaks. Wally Wackford: WELL, call me at Wacky Wally Wackford's Wacky Idea Factory, The Wacky Wally Wackford's Wacky Idea "Factory" ™ title appears against a similar circular background of classic old cartoons. The panel with the title then falls over forwards, landing with a thump. Wally: where you make the things and I make the money! Wally moves close to the screen with a pleading look. Wally: Please! I'm very desperate! "Bingo!" Blitzø said. Blitzø shoots and explodes the TV again, scattering debris. "WOO! You're on a roll, sir!" Millie said. Loona snores and drools while sleeping in a chair. She has one foot up on the table that twitches in her sleep. A plastic cup with her name written on it and filled with water sits on the table next to her foot. She is awoken by a rumbling which also knocks her cup over, spilling its contents. "Guys... do you feel that?" Loona said. "Oh, shit! Is that a hellshake?" Blitzø said. "Alright! Don't panic, Moxxie!" Millie said. Moxxie's tail stiffens from being startled by Millie's sudden outburst. She then grabs his arms in an attempt to "calm" him. Minnie looks out the window. "I'm not *holds up finger quotes* "panicking," because hellquakes don't happen." Moxxie said. Loona roughly grabs hold of Moxxie and shakes him. "STOP GETTING HYSTERICAL, FATTY!" Loona said. Loona slaps Moxxie in the face, sending him flying against the wall and slightly dazing him. He is then knocked down further by what appears to be a wrecking ball made of black tubes Part of the wall crumbles on top of Moxxie, crushing him. As the dust clears, the wrecking ball untangles into multiple robotic tentacles and a supervillain-esque demon uses two of them to hoist himself into the room through the hole, covering himself with his cape. Loona growls while on all fours. "Do not be afraid!" The man grins and extends his robotic tentacles. "Please tell me you got that insurance thing." Blitzø said. Millie takes out her black axe. "Who are you, and what do you want?!" Millie said getting in front of Minnie, protecting her. Loopty Goopty extends a tentacle into a loop-de-loop and slides along it to the other side of the room. "I am Loopty Goopty!" The man says. "Dastardly inventor of all things loopy and loopiiiiiish!"  Loopty said. "Coulda just used the door, dude. Doesn't need to be this whole thing." Loona said. "I am eccentric and must therefore do eccentric SHIT!" Loopty said. Loopty Goopty does a wavy dance. Blitzø sniffs him and flinches. "Ugh! This old fuck reeks of the living world. Did you just die?" Blitzø asked Loopty. "YEEEEES! Moments ago, in fact! Which is what brought me HEEEERE!" Loopty said. Loona taps on her phone. "Just sayin'... the front door would've gotten you here fine" Loona said. "Shut up, dear furry!" Loopty said. Loona growls in anger. Loopty Goopty appears in front of Loona and turns to Blitzø. "This is the man I'm gonna need you to kiiiill!" Loopty said. He holds up an old photo of an old bald man in a bed. Blitzø takes the photo from him. Minnie blinked. "Well, I'm going home and do something productive." Minnie said. Minnie began to walk off, but Blitzø grabbed her tail "Where do you think YOU'RE going missy?!" Blitzø said. "Home, why?" Minnie said a bit annoyed. "You're staying here" Blitzø said. He placed her on the couch, He patted her head and walked toward the counter. Minnie growled and crossed her arms. "Not even a shit's length of time in Hell and already plotting revenge. I can respect a man with that sort of passion! I'm Blitzø, the "O" is silent." Blitzø said. Loona walks away as Blitzø walks over to Loopty and shakes his hand. " What "o"?" Loopty said. "Aww, thank you." Blitzø said. He shakes his hips. "Now, what's the tea, sis?" Blitzø said. "The TEAAAA?!" Loopty said. Moxxie's arm appears as he struggles under the weight of the debris. "Guys, help!" Moxxie said. "Yeah, why are we killin' this guy? I mean, what did he do to you?" Moxxie's arm inches back and he squeals in pain. "LOSING... OX--!" Moxxie said under his breath. Minnie ran over to him and tried to help him. "He was... my business partner! You see, I was not always an old man!" Loopty said. An old film montage in brown shades depict Loopty's early life. "My partner Lyle and I ran Lyle-Loopty Robotics, a technological empire!" Loopty said. Lyle and Loopty pose with capes and spiral glasses on top of a tall building labeled "Lyle-Loopty Robotics". The building is surrounded by factories and columns spewing smoke. A line of text fades into view at the bottom of the screen reads "very dramatic re-enactment from earlier that day", with a question mark at the end joining it seconds after. "Earlier today, we were testing a new machine intended to stop, or reverse, the aging process!" Loopty said. The clips show Loopty putting wires together and Lyle tightening a bolt with a wrench. The two stand by a large white machine labeled "De-age-ifier." Loopty is briefly seen slapping Lyle on the ass. "It could've saved all three trillionaires!" Loopty said. Cuts to the interior of the De-age-ifier machine. The handle twists and the door swings open. Cuts back to Lyle and Loopty. Lyle puts on his goggles and the two step into the machine. "Unfortunately, we neglected to test the machine on the poor, like we usually do. We were too sure of our own genius! But the machine was accidentally set FORWARD!" Loopty said. The two men stroll into the chamber and close the metal door. A lever next to the door labeled "YOUNG" and "OLD" is set to "OLD" at the bottom. "By the time we managed to get out... it was too late! At least... for me!" Loopty said. The two men struggle to open the door, pounding on it. Both of them rapidly shrivel up and age. Loopty stares in horror at his shriveling hands. Lyle grows old and fat and slides to the floor. Loopty clutches at his chest as he suffers a heart attack, then falls dead to the ground, his leg twitching. A man opens the door, sees the two men, and motions for doctors to come in. They put a stethoscope over Loopty's heart, and they shake their heads somberly. A woman puts an oxygen mask over Lyle's nose and mouth. Loopty's body is zipped shut in a body bag. "Now, that evil son of a bitch is going to take over the empire WE BUILT TOGETHER! Without me to share it with, he'll make all the goddamn money in the world and become the fourth trillionaire... and get ALL the credit!" Loopty said. Scene cuts to Lyle laughing evilly as piles of money rain down on him. Back to I.M.P. office. "Ehhh, that's not really evil." Blitzø said. "It's evil towards meeee!" Loopty said. Cuts to Moxxie, still stuck under the rubble. He weakly reaches his hand out for help. "Everything... is going... dark--" Moxxie said. "I'm trying Moxxie!" Minnie said as she tries to lift up the rubble. "Now, get your crimson asses up above and send that heartless, no-good son of a bitch to Hell, where he belongs!" Loopty said. "Eh, y- y- y- You do know, Poopty--" Blitzø began. "Looooptyyyy!" Loopty seethes. "Of course! Of course... If we do kill him, though, and he ends up down here... y'know, you will be stuck with him. Forever." Blitzø said. "Oh, trust me..." Loopty began. Loopty summons an array of weapons from his back on a series of mechanical armatures: a pistol, a rifle, a missile launcher, and a circular saw blade. "I'm counting on it." Loopty said. Moxxie, strained, gives a thumbs up. "That's kinda hot!" Moxxie said. Everyone glances at Moxxie. Minnie looks at him "Moxxie, what the fu-" Minnie began but the next scene cuts her off. 

Bitter Memories. (Millie x Moxxie x OC Cuz why not)Where stories live. Discover now