At Protector Part 9 (The Ending)

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I flip a table and punch the metal wall leaving dents where my knuckles hit. I suddenly feel two big hands grab me and then I'm pulled to a big body and hugged tight. "Let me go!" I'm screaming at the top of my lungs. "I want to be left alone!" "Sshh. It's okay Nicole." Ryan's voice was surprisingly soothing. I relax my body and cry softly. Even when I stop crying, he doesn't let go. "Are you okay?" he asks slowly releasing me. "I'm fine." I say.

I look over and see that Andy and Dean are staring at me with looks of concern. "I said I'm fine, alright?!" I feel bad for yelling. I know they are just caring about me. "Go sit and listen to music. One of the stage managers will call you in a bit. I have a surprise for you." Ryan says to me. He knows me well enough to know I'm going to listen to music. Andy takes my hand and walks me in the direction of the cafeteria. "Don't hit your brother!" I hear Dean call after us.

We go the cafeteria and get some water and sit next to each other to talk. I keep my head down, but I can feel Andy's eyes staring. "What's on your mind, Nikki?" Andy finally asks. The response to his question is another question. I can feel the tears starting to flow and I swallow hard to keep them in. "Do you think its my fault that dad is dead?" I ask in a low and quiet voice. "What?! No! I could never think that! Is that how you feel?" he asks, his whole face in disbelief. Everything just comes pouring out. Every thought that I've been holding in for over 3 months.

"Well....I mean yes. If I hadn't told him to come, then Brock wouldn't have said those things to him. He wouldn't have tried to kill himself. He'd still be alive. Maybe in rehab, but alive. I shouldn't have said anything. I wish I could take it back. Its all my fault." Andy shoots up and grabs me, pulling me into a tight embrace that I thought only happens in movies. I was busy rambling to pay attention to the tears pouring out of my eyes.

"I love you. Dad loves you. Remember that okay?" he says starting to let go. I nod and wipe my eyes. We finished with our "moment" and watched the tv backstage. We see Ryan beginning his match against Brock Lesnar while Dean is sitting next to Michael Cole. "Hello, Dean. How has everything been with Ryback and his two new family members? Seems like something out of a story." Cole says.

"You know something, Michael? It does seem like something out of a story. But my favorite part of the story is when you shut up so I can focus on this match." Andy and I laugh hysterically at the fact that nobody seems to like Michael Cole. Ryan has Lesnar beat until something goes wrong. Paul Heyman distracts him and Lesnar hits him hard. To the point where I flinch at the sound of the impact. Ryan is hit a few more times and thrown around. He seems to be struggling more and more to get to his feet, yet frustrated with Paul yelling at him.

"Coward! You thought you could face The Beast and escape with your life?!" I look at Andy and he knows what I'm thinking. "Oh,no. You are NOT going back out there again." "I'm just going to make Heyman be quiet." I look at a table and see that they used duck tape to fix it. I grab it and run out to the ring. I jump on Heyman's back and start wraping the tape around his head. While I'm at it I tape up his arms and legs. I go to where Dean is and lean against him watching what I know what will be the end of the match. Lesnar was too busy being distraced to notice that Ryan had got his strength back. He yells his signature "Finish it!" and points at me. "This one's for you." he says. He Shell Shocks Lesnar and finishes the match. I climb into the ring and congratulate Ryan.

He gets a microphone and has the crowd quiet down. "Before I start saying anything, I need to call your brother out here." It takes a probably 2 seconds before Andy comes running out. He takes my hand and starts speaking again. "Nicole...Andy. I never thought I'd have kids. Especially you two knuckleheads. And even though it's been hard I wouldn't take back any moment I had with you guys." Dean comes into the ring with a piece of paper and pen. "I know you guys need someone in your lives, and I want that someone to be me. If I sign that paper, I can legally adopt you. Would you like that?" The crowd is cheering incredibly loud and both Andy and myself are so speechless we just nod. Ryan uses Dean's back and signs the paper. After Raw he takes us out to a celebratory dinner and go back to his house.

As I'm laying down Ryan comes in and sits on the edge of the bed. "What do you think about me being your father?" he asks. "I love it. It's great. I wouldn't ask for anyone else as a father. Well...maybe Nikki Sixx." I say with a smile. He laughs and shakes his head. "But in all seriousness, I love the thought of having you as a dad. You can beat up guys who break my heart. We know that Andy can't do anything." He kisses my forehead and goes to walk out the room. "Can you stay here until I fall asleep?" I say like a little child. He nods and sits on my bed again closer to me this time.

I start to doze off but wake to the feel of Ryan's stubble on my forehead. I jump and he realizes I woke up. "Sorry that I woke you. Just wanted to...make sure your good." he says. I give a small smile and close my eyes again. "I love you, Nicole." I don't hesitate with my reply and the words come out before I can even think.

"I love you too, Dad."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2015 ⏰

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