My Protector Part 3

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The next morning I look at my phone to see 2 text messages.  One from Jordan and one from my father. The one from Jordan says:

Wow. I can't believe Ryback saved you from Brock Lesnar. That was....AWESOME. Text me when you can. Later :P

Then then one from my dad says:

Nicole, we need to talk. Call me when you read this.

I'm slightly frightened but I shrug it off.  I'm about to call my dad when Ryan comes into the room. "Morning. You okay?" he asks. I nod and call my dad. 


NICOLE! Are you okay? I watched Raw last night and I saw what happened to you.

Yeah dad. I'm fine. I just kinda have a broken wrist. 

A broken wrist?! Put Ryan on the phone NOW!

When he yells it hurts my ear.  "My dad wants to talk to you." I hand Ryan my phone and as soon as he says "Hello", my dad starts yelling. I take my phone and talk to my dad.

Dad calm down. It isn't his fault.  Its mine. When we went to the gym, I made a comment about Lesnar' s eyebrows and he got his revenge.

Why in the hell would you do that?

Because I just wanted to show him I'm not afraid of him. On the other hand....why didn't you call me? You were supposed to call when you got there. 

I know. I'm sorry. I forgot.

You forgot? How could you forget?

It was pure insanity.  I'm sorry Rabbit. I have to go now. But I'll be back in 2 days. I love you. 

Yeah.  Bye dad.

I hear him sigh before I hang up the phone. I take a deep breath but it isnt enough to contain my anger. I let out a yell and throw my phone at the wall. I start pacing back and forth and my brother comes and sits me down. I rock back and forth and start to hyperventilate.  My brother puts his arms around me and strokes my hair. My hyperventilating turns to crying. There's a knock at the door and Ryan goes to answer it.

I'd recognize Dean Ambrose's voice from a mile away.  "Is everything okay?" I hear him ask. "I don't think now is a good time." Ryan says. I wipe my eyes and turn around. "No its okay. He can come in if he'd like." I say not even slightly breaking the grip of my brother's hand. Dean walks inside and sits on a chair while Ryan sits next to me.

"He always does this." I say, my voice trembling.

"Always does what?" Dean asks.

"He's a workaholic. He thinks he's doing whats right and making us happy, but we never see him." my brother says. Ryan sighs with his hands over his mouth and Dean shakes his head. "That's harsh." he says. "It gets worse." I say. "When my mother died...he turned alcohol. When he wasn't working like a beast he was too drunk to care about anything. Us, the house. He sure as hell didn't care what happened to him."

"He got better. I'm just afraid it'll happen again." I say. "Well let's just think positive and hope it doesn't happen." Dean says. Ryan nods his head and rubs my back.

3 days later....

I haven't eaten in 3 days. I haven't been sleeping well. I keep having nightmares. The memories of my father when he was in the dark clutches of alcohol.  Ryan and Andy go to get something to eat. I'm too weak to go with them. Suddenly I hear a knock at the door.  I hope its my brother and Ryan with food. I open the door and its my father.

"Nicole!" my father hugs me tight and since I'm weak it kind of hurts. "Hey dad." I say softly. "I talked to Ryan and your brother. I told them I'll take you out go get something to eat. So go in and get dressed. I put on a pair of sweats and a big hoodie. I slip on my ugs and walk with my dad to his car. He takes me to a pizza a place where I pick at and barely eat the food. Then he takes me to this place to get frozen yogurt. 

I'm playing with the yogurt and moving the spoon around looking at the toppings. "Are you okay Nicole? You love frozen yogurt and you barely touched it." my dad says. I just stare at the cup and don't respond. Then I decide to reply with a question. "What's with the bag of cans in your car?" I ask him. I look at him and he looks just as much as death as I do. "What are you talking about?" my dad asks. "I'm talking about the bag of beer cans and liquor bottles behind my seat! You think I didn't see?!" I say in a whisper yell.

"Things have been just difficult lately, my love. You wouldn't understand. It's all I have." he says. I try to stay quiet but I can't.  "All you have? All you have?! You have me! You have Andy! Hell you even have Ryan! And your saying you couldn't come to ANY of us?!" I say and bang the table. My eyes start to fill up with tears and I can feel them going down my cheeks one by one. "I understand that you're scared." my dad says softly. He tries to touch my face but I move his hand out of my way. I hit my cup of frozen yogurt onto the floor and stand up. 

"I'm not scared dad! I'm angry! You promised me you would never touch another bottle. And you went back on your promise!" I storm out the place and walk all the way back to the hotel. I knock on Ambrose's door and he opens the door as soon as possible as if he's expecting me. "Are you okay?" he asks me. I shake my head and start crying. "He's drinking again." Dean invites me in and a lay down on his couch. He gets me a blanket and tells me to just relax while rubbing my shoulder.

I fall asleep and I wake up to a knock at the door. I look at the clock and it reads 2:30 AM. There's knocking at the door again and Dean goes opens it. "What the hell are you doing here?" I hear him say coldly. "I just want to see my daughter." I want to jump up when I hear my dad's voice but I stay laying down. "Do you realize what time it is?" Dean asks. "Please. Just let me see my baby girl." My heart almost breaks from the sadness in his voice. Dean lets him in and turns on a light.  It has a dimmer so its not too bright. My dad walks over to the couch and kneels in front of me.

He brushes my hair back and kisses my forehead. I open my eyes and look at him. "Hey Nikki." he says. "Hi dad." I say quietly. He looks at the floor and then sniffles. He's been crying. "I uh....I may be going away for a while. Just to get my head together." he says. When he says that its like he ripped my heart out my chest. I didn't want him to leave. I was afraid of what he might do. "I don't want you you to go." I say tearfully.  "I know. I know. But I have to. I'll come back as soon as I get better. Okay?" "Okay." He kisses my forehead and leaves his lips on my forehead. I felt how hot his face was and automatically knew he was hurting.

I look up and he gives me a smile. Not a "I'll be okay" smile. A "I'm dead inside" smile. I kept my tears in but a few come out. He wipes them away with thumb and kisses me on my forehead one last time. "I love you, baby girl." he says. My heart officially breaks into a million pieces. More tears come out and I start to cry. I reply in the most tearful voice ever. "I love you too, daddy."

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