(Day 2 in Equestria 9:00AM Twilight's Castle)

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As I woke up Twilight called me down for breakfast, so I walked down and as I was on the stairs I smelt pancakes..? When I fully got downstairs my nose was right, there were pancakes on the crystal table that had 10 chairs surrounding it. Twilight invited me to sit down and I was going to ask how ponies make pancakes but I decided it would be for the best to keep that question to myself, just in case it was offensive. As I sat down and got a plate of pancakes Twilight handed me a picture. "What is it?" I said in a questioning tone. "It's a photograph of the human that was spotted a few nights ago.." Twilight stated. "Let me see this photograph." I said as I grabbed the photo. "You do realize you have a horn you can levitate stuff with..?" Twilight said, sounding like she was about to giggle. "You weren't going to tell me that?!" I said as I sounded like I was angry but I was laughing at the same time. "I guess I never noticed it." "Maybe I can teach you how to levitate things later." Twilight said. As I looked at the photo more closely I noticed something, "hey I know this person!" "Wait what?" "Who are they?" Twilight said as she got out of her seat like she was going to explode out of curiosity. "I've known this person since high school." "Their name is Star." I said, curious as to why they were here.

"I haven't seen them in about 2 months, I never would've guessed it was Star that came into this world, they don't even like ponies!" I said, as Twilight looked at me like she was offended. "Oh no, it's not like that! They don't like human world ponies because one time while they were looking at ponies at a rodeo, then one of the ponies kicked them in the face!" I said as I was holding in my laugh. "Oh..!" "We're not all like that, at least in this world." Twilight said, looking a little less offended as she was a few moments prior.

"Alright, what do we do now Twilight?" "We go tell Princess Celestia, the ruler of all of Equestria." "Well then let's go!" I said, excited to finally be done with this situation so I can go back home.

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