Chapter 2

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Jennifer"s view

*Door slammed* 

Jennifer ran into her room. She picked up the phone. "Come on! Come on!" a girl picked up the phone, "hello?!?" "Chyann! Oh thank god I need to talk to you." 

"Can't it wait its 530 in the morning, Jennifer!""NO. It can;t I need you know" Jennifer began to sob just falling into the corner of the bedroom floor. 

How was she supposed to tell her best friend? Jennifer began to hyperventilate.

Chyann's view. 

Chyann could here Jennifer's off breathing. What is going on? "Jennifer, What is wrong? You can tell me. What else are best friends for?" "I-I-I-I can't" 

"Jennifer, listen to me. Just take a deep breath and then speak" Silence was coming from the other end. Chyann was scared she had lost contact with her. 

"Last night," Jennifer took a pause, "I was walking home last night. and, and, and I was knocked out." "Oh my god! Are you okay Jennifer?!?" "I think so" 

"You think?" "I think I was rapped." "What do you mean you think?" "Well I, I, I woke up an hour ago in the Alley. I hurt down there and and I didn't have enough time to change." 

"Well are you certain it just wasn't when you got hit?" "Yes because one of the people I was supposed to work with noticed I had a rip in my pants. And not just anywhere down there." 

"Jennifer! You need to call the police! Like now!" "No I can't!" "Call them Jennifer" "No!" "Fine! I'm Coming down there right now" "Chy-" Chyann cut Jennifer off in mid sentence. 

Chyann began to pack her stuff when she heard the phone ring again. She knew it was Jennifer so she just let it go to voice mail. As Chyann was leaving her house she could here Jennifer faintly leaving a message. 

Chyann had to drive for over two hours to get to the nearest airport. She dreaded leaving Nebraska but for her best friend she would do anything.

Jennifer's view. 

When Chyann didn't call  back she new she was on here way to Tennessee. Jennifer curled up into a ball and just cried. She fell asleep on the floor. 

*Knock knock* Jennifer woke up and looked at the alarm clock, 9:30 am. Jennifer slept for 3 hours. *Knock knock* "I'm coming!" she yelled from her room. 

She thought who could it be? There is no way it's Chyann. It takes at least 4 hours to get from Nebraska to here. Jennifer smoothed out her hair and clothes. 

Before opening the door she wiped her eyes and took a deep breath. With a fake smile she opened the door. "Hello?" She looked at the person on the other side of the door. 

It was Niall. She just glared at him, "How did you find me, Niall?" "I called around and found out where you lived," he said with a devilish smirk. 

How could she resist him? He was one of the reasons she wanted to go into audio production. They stood there for a moment just starring at each other. 

Niall broke the silence, "Can I come in?" "I prefer you did't but since you tracked me down. You may enter your higness." Jennifer bowed jokingly. 

It was her way of hiding her true emotions. Niall laughed. Oh, how she wished she could dive in it. When he walked passed her she could smell his cologne. 

It made her weak in the knees. If it wasn't for the door she would of fell. Why did she agree?

Niall's view. 

When he got to Jennifer's home he was nervous. When she opened the door and said hello his heart seemed to stop. Time seemed to stand still. 

Even when she was glaring at him, he was memorized by her beauty. He realized that they had spoke for quite a bit so he underrated the first words. 

"Can I come in?" She seemed annoyed he was thinking of leaving but she answered him. "I prefer you did't but since you tracked me down. You may enter your higness." 

She bowed. He wasn't sure if she was being sarcastic or being funny. He walked passed her and could smell of her perfume. He laughed quickly to hide his nervousness. 

He walked to her sofa and set down. She rushed passed him and into the kitchen. A few moments passed and a noise came from the kitchen. Niall raised forward, "Need any help, Love?" 

he realized he shouldn't of used love but it was to late. She yelled, "No I'm fine.What would you like to drink?" "Water's fine!" Jennifer came out with the water and set it on the coffee table. 

Niall was getting nervous and impatient. Finally, Jennifer came out with a platter of food. She seat next to him on the sofa. The silence was awkward and unbearable. Jennifer got up and put a movie in. 

Finding Nemo, of course. Niall and Jennifer watched movies for hours until they fell asleep on tho couch.

*2 hours later*

Niall woke to knocking on the door. Jennifer was in his arms. He didn't want to wake her but the second knocked Woke her up. she jumped up and looked at the clock. "1030!" 

She picked up his shoes and looked at him. "You have to go now!" "Why?" "Don't ask questions just go." She led him to the back door. *Knock knock* "Coming!" she yelled.  

She forced Niall out the door. He didn't even get to say good night. "What just happened?"

Chyann's View.

Chyann looked at her watch. 1030. What was taking her so long? Finally she heard her scream, "coming". Then heard the door close. Was she hiding someone? 

Jennifer opened the door. "Hey, Chyann!" "Hey, Jennifer?" Chyann walked in the house and set her stuff on the couch. Jennifer chimed in, "I'm going to bed good night!" 

Chyann was curious about why she wanted to go to bed so early instead of talking but was more curios of who she was hiding. When Chyann new it was clear she began snooping. 

Two glasses in the kitchen sick and two plates. So there was someone here but who. Chyann flopped down on the couch. She was exhausted by the long drive and flight.  

In order to get here today she had to do a change over that took her two hours out of her way. Before long Chyann feel asleep. She would find out what happened yesterday anyways.

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